9 Types of Dwarf Birch Trees That Can Be Used for Landscaping

Posted on the 02 September 2020 by Rinkesh @ThinkDevGrow

Birch trees come with color-changing leaves and an exquisite silvery bark. Even more, they come upright, providing beauty regardless of the season. Whether it’s during winter where you get the full elegance or during fall where its lustrous green pops, it’s an incredible sight.

In turn, this makes an excellent choice for your landscaping needs. However, there are over 60 birch species available for the picking. Even more, these species have different growth rates and nutrient requirements.

As such, it can be quite tricky for you to make a choice. Well, not to worry. We’ve got you covered. In this article, we’ll show you 9 types of birch trees that you can use for landscaping.

Ready? Dive in!

What is Landscaping?

Just before we get to the birch trees, you might just be wondering what landscaping is all about. And why birch trees are relevant. Well, we’ll tell you.

Landscaping is all that you do maintain a garden in your home. So, from weed trimming to planting trees and land mowing, you’re gardening or otherwise landscaping.

Now, when it comes to dwarf birch trees, they are just like the name suggests, short. They are usually grown to fit into a small space.

However, even at that, they can make a bold statement in your garden. And of course, it provides a wide array of designs and beauty.

Well, that’s why birch trees are relevant. They easily fit into the needs of a small garden. Yet, providing the beauty and glamour of the renowned birch tree. Great right?

9 Types of Dwarf Birch Trees That You Can Use for Landscaping

Now, let’s get to the 9 top dwarf birch trees that are an excellent choice for your landscaping needs.

1. Snow Queen Birch Tree

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The snow queen, also known as ‘Betula utilis’ is easily one of our favorites. And this is due to its slender, medium-sized feature and snowy-white appearance.

This particular tree is an all-round garden asset as its beauty radiates through its foliage. In turn, with it, you get various colors at different seasons.

In the spring, its foliage brings out vibrant yellow catkins amidst its mid-green color. In autumn, it turns golden-yellow. Then, just before falling, a shade of bronze comes on the leaves. Even more, the weather during winter makes the snow queen’s bark more profound and deeply admirable.

It would interest you to know that the beauty of the snow queen tree becomes much more profound when planted in a group of three. That way, the various colors pop and add more brightness to your garden.

This beautiful tree eventually grows upright and takes the shape of a pyramid. Well, if you’re looking for a tree for all seasons, then the snow queen is a great choice.

2. Trinity College Birch Tree

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The trees are in and that’s me done for the year – what a brilliant way to end! Loved working with @baikielandscapeltd, @baikie89 & @jezstampgardendesign over the last couple of weeks but please…no more mud!! ##### #treeplanting #heavytrees #plantingcollaboration #treelineddriveway #betulajacquemontii #endofterm #endoftheyear #endofthedecade #brokenupforchristmas #somuchrain #somuchmud #israingoodforyourskin #teamwork #perfectpartnership #jamesonstamp @jezstampgardendesign @loujamesongardendesign

A post shared by Lou Jameson (@loujamesongardendesign) on Dec 21, 2019 at 2:11am PST

Just like the snow queen, the trinity college birch or ‘Betula Jacquemontii’ is white-barked, as well as slender in from. The name stems from its origin as it comes from a tree in Trinity College, Dublin.

The trinity college takes about ten years to grow substantially above 15 feet. As such, it is an excellent choice for small gardens due to its modest structure.

This kind of tree develops its bark at a very tender age. So, should you decide to plant the trinity college birch, you’re good to go. You don’t have to wait forever to derive satisfaction from its beauty.

If your garden could use a bit of color or more brightness, the trinity college birch is a worthy option. It also does well in full sun, where the reflection brings further glee to its beauty.

3. Fastigiata Birch Tree


This tree is peculiar compared to other birch trees, as it has a silvery bark. It also has an aura of elegance that accompanies it.  However, although it can, however, grow too big for small gardens, it’s still a great choice.

Typically, the Fastigiata birch tree has green foliage. However, in autumn, it turns yellow.

Then, in winter, its leaves drop. Still, this only brings beauty as the bark comes out better and further adds color to your gardens.

You should know that the Fastigiata birch tree has an upright appearance. And this is as a result of the intertwined and inward growth of the branches.

So, if your garden could use a vertical accent, then you’ve got yourself a pick. The Fastigiata birch will fit in perfectly.

4. Cesky Gold Dwarf Birch Tree


As an addition, the Cesky gold birch tree can be a great option. It typically takes the form of a shrub rather than a tree. As such, it fits perfectly into a garden scenery.

In the spring, its leaves are usually red, yellow, and red. By summer, the leaves take the color green.

Also, because it is pollution-tolerant, it is suitable for both urban and rural areas. One thing you’ll be sure to get with this choice is beauty. And one combined with a scenic view at that.

5. Little King Birch Tree


This is a petite friendly birch tree that you can use for landscaping. It grows pretty fast and has multiple stems, which form well into a tent.

If you happen to have a garden near a pond or stream, this would be a great choice. This is because it thrives well in wet soil.

If you’re a gardener with limited time at hand to tend to the plants, this comes in handy. This is because it requires very little pruning and no fertilizer application. Generally, it’s a low maintenance option.

As always, it brings elegance and beauty to your garden. So, if you’re looking to achieve this in your garden, you’re welcome to try the little king birch tree.

6. Magical Globe Birch Tree


The Magical globe Birch is a dwarf-like tree with immensely attractive and distinct features. You’ll need to see its silver-like trunk and round-shaped top to understand this beauty fully. Looking like a lollipop, they also grow very slowly with tight branches.

They typically possess mid-green foliage, and this color stays throughout all seasons. However, there’s an exception in autumn where it turns yellow.

The Magical Globe Birch is a perfect option for small gardens and is suited for all soil types. You can also grow it in a large pot.

They are mostly planted in large quantities and used as border pathways. So, you might want to use them this way.

7. Grayswood Ghost Birch Tree


This as well is one tree that can be highly serviceable in landscaping.

With this option, you get a snow-white bark coupled with its dark green leaves. Even more, it transforms occasionally into golden cream color.

We’ve got to say. The tree is truly a sight to behold. In case you’re in doubt, it has its Award of Garden Merit of the Royal Horticultural Society to prove it.

Just like the little king birch tree, Grayswood Ghost also requires very little or no maintenance. It is the perfect plant to use as a specimen or as a borderline.

It would interest you to know that Grayswood Ghost thrives well in wet soil. So, if you have got a garden close to a stream or pond, this would be the right choice.

8. Erman’s Birch Tree


It also can be called the Betula ermanii. This particular birch tree exudes grace and beauty. If you’re looking to give your garden some life, then it’s a great choice.

Also, thanks to its growth rate, it is a perfect fit for landscaping. It is always attractive and elegant in respective of the season. Concurrently, it also requires little or no maintenance. You can also use it in a wide range of soils.

9. River Birch Tree


It is also known as the Betula Nigra. They have ornamental trunks coupled with scaly bark. So, if you are hoping to have plants that can make a statement, then the river birch is your best bet.

The River birch also has varieties with less dramatic barks that would complement the colors of several other foliages. An example is Heritage’ which has a lighter gray bark.

They grow relatively fast and rise as tall as 40 feet in 20 years. However, their life span can be relatively short.

Another great thing is that it helps in providing shade to other plants. This is because its leaves spread out to form a tent. So, it’s best to plant it in the middle of the garden. This way, it would stand out among the shrubs and be the center of attraction.

In Conclusion

Choosing landscaping as an activity to engage in seems like an arduous task. It gets even trickier deciding the type of plants to have in your garden.

Well, Dwarf Birch Trees are a great choice. Still, thanks to its varieties, you might have problems choosing. Well, not anymore. We’ve shown you nine great options.

So, pick one or more and get planting.