9 Tips to Protect Babies from Rainy Season Diseases

By Hemapriya Natesan @MyLittleMoppet

It's raining pretty much everywhere in India, with torrential showers in some parts of the country! The humidity, mosquitoes and countless infections in the air make it a tough time for little babies and toddlers and this obviously meals more trouble for Moms too! But the rains needn't be a time of strife for the entire family; with a few simple tips, you and your baby can also enjoy the cool, rainy weather, just like everyone else!

1. Keep Baby Clean and Dry

The rains require a lot of attention to baby and toddler hygiene. Ensure that you keep them clean by giving them a bath (or at least a sponge bath) twice a day. Pay extra attention to the underarms, neck, genitals and other folds and creases in their body. Also ensure that their care-takers are wearing clean clothes and are free from infections.

2. Dress them in Comfortable Clothes

Climatic fluctuations are quite sharp in the monsoon, ranging from hot and humid to sudden cold weather. Dress your little-one in comfortable cotton clothes to beat the humidity, but always carry a cardigan or jacket, which you can use in case it gets chilly. Ensure that baby's clothes are completely dry; clothes tend to retain dampness in the monsoon which could lead to fungal infections.

3. Keep Mosquitoes Away

Diseases like malaria and dengue are extremely prevalent in the monsoon, so it is very important to keep babies protected from mosquitoes. Wearing clothes with long sleeves, using mosquito patches as well as clearing away stagnant water from around your home can help to a great extent. You can also use citronella oil while mopping the house which is a natural method to keep mosquitoes away.

4. Stay Away from People who are Ill

Viral infections are extremely common during monsoons and are very contagious as well. Keep your child away from people who have a flu or any kind of infection. Ask your family and friends to wash their hands and use a sanitizer before they touch your baby, since they may be harboring germs even if they don't show any symptoms.

5. Avoid Crowded Places

Crowded places like malls are hotspots for germs and it's very easy for babies to catch any disease since their immunity isn't fully developed. It's best to avoid such places during the monsoon, or at least go when it is least likely to be crowded.

6. Wash your Own and your Baby's Hands often

All the hand washing awareness programs have a point - the best way to stay safe from infections is to keep your and baby's hands clean. Wash your hands with soap and water often, especially after handling dirty diapers or coming in from outside. Also ask older siblings to do the same before touching the baby.

7. Stick to Boiled Water

Ensure that you use boiled and cooled water for your baby's formula as well as to drink since stomach flu and diarrhea are mostly waterborne diseases that are more commonly seen during the rains.

8. Wash Fruits and Vegetables Thoroughly

Keep you little one away from all raw vegetables and pre-cut fruit, especially from outside. At home, ensure that you wash all fruits and vegetables with a teaspoon of salt and water.

9. Stay Away from the First Showers

Keep your baby away from the first showers of the monsoon, since they're likely to be acidic and could harm baby's delicate skin. So stay indoors and watch the rains!

These are really easy tips that hardly need any special effort but are very effective! With little babies, it's always better to be safe than sorry, so err on the side of caution and keep your baby healthy this monsoon. When everyone is healthy and happy, the monsoons can be a much more enjoyable time!

Kejal Teckchandani is a mother of a 1.5 year daughter. She is mommy blogger and has her website www.beingmomma.com where she writes for the new Indian Mom helping her through her most exciting but confusing phase of motherhood from pregnancy to toddlerhood. Before her mommy days she worked as an equity research analyst in an investment bank and decided to work from home thereafter. You can visit her FB page https://www.facebook.com/BeingMommaTalks and write to her at [email protected]

Lots of Love,