9 Smart Technologies That You May Soon Have In Your Body

Posted on the 13 November 2018 by Biznewsday

Technology will evolve rapidly from the outside of our body to the inside of it. Yahoo has compiled a list of devices that will be implanted in the human body for the transmission of information.

Implantable smartphones

Last year, the artist Anthony Antonellis had an RFID chip implanted in his arm in order to transfer his art from and to his smartphone. At the same time, researchers are working on a technology that should make it possible to emit sounds directly into our ear via the bone marrow used as an enclosure. Other scientists are working on the design of eye implants that capture an image by winking and then storing it in our body. Our cell phones could also end up inside us. Autodesk technicians are currently testing a system that would display images through an artificial epidermis serving as an interface.

Computer chips that heal the sick

Currently, some patients are using cyber-medical implants that can connect to a smartphone to monitor the body and treat diseases. London scientists are developing "edible" electronic capsules that monitor fat levels in the blood of obese patients and generate genetic material that causes satiety. Researchers at Boston University are working on creating a bionic pancreas connected to an application that controls the blood sugar levels of diabetics.

Cyber pills in connection with your doctor

British Proteus researchers are developing cyber-pills with built-in microprocessors that send real-time information to your doctor.

The electronic contraceptive implant of Bill Gates

This kind of implant has been around for a long time. This is an adequate solution for women who have trouble taking their pill daily or who do not support certain hormones. The Gates Foundation is currently supporting an MIT project to design a contraceptive implant for women that is controlled by an external remote control. This miniature chip generates small amounts of contraceptive hormones in the woman's body that can turn off the system when she is pregnant.

Smart tattoos'

Nowadays, tattoos are ubiquitous in society. Outside of certain environments, they fulfill only an aesthetic function. Smart digital tattoos would allow you to perform tasks such as unlocking your door or allowing your identification to settle purchases at the supermarket. The company Dangerous Things has a chip that is implanted in the finger with tattoo techniques. A team of Texas researchers has developed the type of tattoo ink that consists of microparticles that can collect and send data relating to your body.

An interface between your brain and your laptop

Many movies and science fiction literary works have imagined such a system. However, this idea could become a reality. The human brain could be connected directly to a computer. The "BrainGate" team from Brown University, at the forefront of this movement, was able to develop a system of electrodes in the brain whose signals could be decoded in real time via external devices. Intel believes that this kind of device will be available around 2020. "Imagine what the Web could do with the power of your thoughts," said one of the researchers at the American company.

Bio-fuse batteries

One of the biggest challenges in implementing technologies in the human body remains the supply of energy. How to charge or recharge the batteries that would be implanted? Several solutions are in progress. The human body is a small plant and glucose in our blood could be used to provide energy to the implants. The Draper Laboratory in the United States is working on the production of biodegradable batteries that produce electricity inside the body, which is then transmitted wirelessly to implants.

Smart dust

This is perhaps the most surprising innovation. Intelligent dust is a network of nano-computers with an antenna, no larger than a grain of sand, self-organizing in the human body and capable of supporting a range of complex internal processes. These nano-devices, called "motes", are able to fight cancer at an early stage, relieve pain due to injury or even store personal data. With smart dust, doctors can work in your body without having to open it.

The electronic identity card in the form of an implant

We have known for a long time the electronic identity card in which all our personal data are collected on a chip. Some believe that implant-based electronic identification technology could cause humans to experience a nightmare, such as George Orwell's 1984 anticipation novel, dominated by Big Brother's eye and police services. could control us remotely. Some observers believe that the expansion of this type of identity card is inevitable. Others still emphasize the benefits of this technology: the impossibility to defraud with respect to one's identity and to make security much easier. For them, the field of medicine would also benefit from these innovations in the processing of medical data. Finally, some consider RIFD chip implants as the final stage of technological singularity, when humanity considers its future through software and where the man is coupled to the machine.s