9 Highly Effective Treatments for Lower Back Pain

Posted on the 19 June 2014 by Health_news

Low back serves many important functions in the human body, which include movement, structural support and most importantly the protection of body tissues. Lower back supports the upper body weight, when we stand. When we rotate or bend, lower back does the movement. The lower back is involved in the critical function of protecting the tissues of spinal cord and nervous system.

Most of the people suffer from lower back pain. In most of the cases, there is no serious reason behind the lower back pain. As per the experts, multiple mechanisms could cause the back pain, such as muscle activities are not sufficient, nerve irritation, irritation near the joints, or changes in the discs, joint and bone conditions. Pregnancy, kidney problem, tumors and ovary problems are some other causes of lower back pain. Treatment mostly depends on the exact cause of the lower back pain.

Some effective treatments for lower back pain that you try it in your home are


Do regular exercises, which include swimming, walking, stretching. As a part of your daily routine, perform these exercises for at least 30 minutes. Regular exercises help you to recover from lower back pain. You can consult a physical therapist or trainer, to find out you are doing exercises in the correct manner and not overdoing it. You will feel better, after doing exercise.
Ice and Heat

Applying hot packs and cold packs helps to reduce lower back pain. It has great impact on the healing process. Regularly apply ice to reduce the swelling and pain. Cold therapy has benefits like reduction in inflammation and ice acts as anesthetic. Homemade ice is an affordable and simple way to relieve back pain. Using hot packs or hot water bottle, or taking a hot shower is also effective in back pain.

For mild pain, you can take common painkillers after consultation with doctor. You can get relief by applying ointments or pain relief creams on the skin.
Physical Therapy

Therapist can suggest physical therapy, which includes some exercises. It helps your posture and movement. It builds strength.

If you have major back pain, then the doctor may inject medicines into the joints in your back, which reduces pain and swelling.

Through surgery, damaged fractures or discs get repaired. Most of the people do not need it, but for some it may be effective.
Prescription medication

If you have long lasting back pain, then prescription medications such as antidepressants, pain killers, muscle relaxants are very effective.

Tiny needles get inserted at the specific area of the back. In some cases of back pain, acupuncture is beneficial.
Spinal Manipulation

In spinal manipulation treatment, joints in the spine are pressed by experts with the help of a device or hand to release the pressure. It helps to realign the muscles and joints.

We can prevent lower back pain by following certain rules. Exercise is a must. This will help strengthen the lumber. Stretch yourself before any workouts. Sit or stand in good posture. Take back support while you sit on a chair. Talk to experts and follow certain rules and you will surely be able to say goodbye to lower back pain.