9 Facts Everyone Need to Know About Skin Cancer

Posted on the 12 May 2015 by Health_news

Skin cancer is killing thousands of people every year and the problem of skin cancer only seems to be growing. It becomes essential to get aware of all the aspects of the disease.

  • Skin cancer can attack at any age

Age is not a bar for skin cancer. Skin cancer can be present even in babies who might be exposed to the sun and are burnt by it.

As for adults, sometimes even slathering sun screen is not enough to protect you from the evils of skin cancer, as you might already have the cancer in you from when you were a baby.

So basically the cancer can attack at any age and develop only much later in life.

  • Skin cancer does not discriminate skin color

Darker skinned people have more melanin that provides sun protection, which is lesser in lighter skinned people. But the greater sun protection does not completely wipe out the risks of getting skin cancer.

As a matter of people, most of the people are of the mindset that skin cancer does not affect dark skinned people so they fail to diagnose the symptoms and often diagnose the malignancy at a later stage when the skin cancer has reached an advanced stage.

  • Family history

If you have a family history of melanoma, then it is recommended to get screened at least once a year so as to spot the occurrence, if any.

  • Both natural tans and tanning beds are risky

The sun’s UV rays are a major cause of skin cancer and tanning beds are not far behind. Apparently tanning beds mess up your skin and increase the chances of you developing skin cancer. So steer clear of trying to get a tan.

  • If you have moles you have a high risk of developing it

Let me clear the confusion. Not all moles are dangerous.

There are two types of moles. One type that look like sun spots, evenly colored and nicely shaped and the other that are called atypical moles.

People who have more than 15 atypical moles are at a greater risk of developing skin cancer. So don’t forget to screen yourself regularly if you have them.

  • Sunscreen and burns

It is never too late to start good practices. If you have skipped applying sun screen in the past, it is never late to start now. When you get sun burnt, your melanoma doubles.

  • Understand SPF

When you apply sunscreen it also becomes important to understand the SPF in the sun screen. Study all the products in the market and determine which will provide you with the maximum protection against the UV rays.

An SPF of 25+ is ideal for all skin types.

  • Application and timing is critical

Sunscreen should be applied properly and on all the skin areas, not excluding the areas covered by cloth, as UV rays can get through clothing as well.

Sunscreen should be applied at least half an hour before heading out as the skin takes half an hour to absorb the sun screen. Reapply every two hours.

Apply enough that a thin film when first applied.

  • Skin cancer is preventable and treatable

Skin cancer is caused by us exposing ourselves to the sun. The key is to stay away from the sun. Get your Vitamin D from some other source like Vitamin D enriched foods.

Get screened regularly so that you can find out if skin cancer has taken over your body. If it has, your doctor will give you the needed treatment.

Treatment and cure is possible, the sooner the detection the better.

Written by: Rasha Ashraf