9 Classics It’s Totally Okay to Repeat on Groundhog’s Day

By Alexa Alfonso @lexlovescouture

Happy Groundhog's Day! Today brings two different things to mind. One being whether or not the groundhog saw his shadow. As the legend goes, if he sees it (which Punxsutawney Phil did this year) there will be six more week of winter. The other being the 1993 classic movie starring Bill Murray in which the main character repeats the same day, Groundhog's Day, over and over again.

The latter, my chic friends, is today's inspiration. There are certain classics that, if you were unfortunately trapped in the same day, would be okay to repeat. Trends come and go, but classics never get repetitive.

White Shirt

There is nothing better than a crisp white shir t. Why? You can pair it with anything. You can pair it with jeans, a skirt, shorts, trousers, you name it. Versatile is the best way to put it.

Red Lips

Find your perfect red and you will have a match for life. A red lip is the perfect way to spice up a minimalistic look or add a traditional twist to an otherwise edgy look. You can never go wrong with red.

Black Loafers

They're comfy. They're edgier than a pair of ballet flats. They can mold to match any style whether it preppy, girly, or grunge. What bad thing can really be said about black loafers? Nothing, because they are awesome. No matter what your style. Loafers are a style to invest in.

Black Trousers

Not the most exciting addition to your wardrobe, but a necessity. They can be dressed up or dressed drown. The options are endless. You probably already own a pair, but if you don't you need to.

White Sneakers

Always. White sneakers will always be in style. No matter what the trends are, a pair of white sneaks will continue to be a great addition to your sneaker collection. You can go for the fun colors and shapes, but remember to keep a simple chic white pair in your arsenal. You may notice you will end of wearing them the most.

Pink Manicure

While a pink may not be the most exciting color choice for your next nail salon visit, it is always a good one. Pink is clean, simple, and understated. When you need a break from wild colors or blush/nude tones- go for pink.


Another versatile necessity. I could list at least 10 different ways to wear a turtleneck, but that is for a another day. Just know that a turtleneck has so many benefits.

Gold Hoops

For some girls gold hoops are a regular staple, while for other it is just something they just occasionally throw into the mix. No matter which type of girl you are it is good to own a pair. Just in case the mood strikes.

Little Black Dress

The LBD needs no explanation.

What classic is YOUR fave?