9 Blog Post Title Tips For Better SEO & Website Traffic

Posted on the 15 August 2017 by David Mark @Ataghan_micheal
Am going to share with few tips or formula for a better title for your next blog post, these will also apply to people that write emails if you want your subscribers to open your email, it'll also apply to facebook post and videos. If you want people to click your link in the search result you need to come up with a better title for your content, so in this post, you will learn the formula to write a great headline.

Let Get Started

1. Tell Them What's in it For THEM

* A Bad example is: "Write A Song"

* A Good Example: "How To Write a Song in 4 Easy Step"

2. Use Numbers If Possible

Using number is really popular just take a look at the Mazines in Grocery stores!

You would see 10 Tips to losing weight, 3 Easy step to a better life. those copy writers know what they are doing because the whole goal is to entice you by the magazine.

Use a Smaller Number

Keep in mind to use a smaller number because we are in the fast space world, people are impatient and if you gonna give them 100 tips use a small number like 8 tips or 9 tips.

3. Address Readers in 2nd Person:

What is that means, this's an example

* Think you know social media? Answer these three questions to find out!"

If you read that if feels like someone is speaking to you, that is what you want that person to feel like, you want them to feel like they were spoken too directly. So always try to address the reader in 2nd person if possible.

4. Use Strong Adjectives And Verbs:

For instant, I have a whole list of examples below

* Shocking, Rockstar, Surprising, Hacks, BIG/HUGE, History in the Making, War, Amazing, Beautiful, Ugly, Terrible, Funny, Addicting, Successful, Embarrassed, Mighty, Cool Tips, Kick Butt. 

You definitely want to use those strong adjectives and verbs to really get people attention.

5. People Always Want To Learn:

Here is some good Word to Use:

Introduction, Beginners Guide, DIY

* Introduction To Help You Write 9 Cool Title Tips For Better SEO And Website Traffic

* Beginners Guide To Help You Write 9 Cool Title Tips For Better SEO And Website Traffic

6. Use a Sense Of Urgency

Here are some example

* 10 Things you should do right now to....."

* Fix these 3 things or risk to lose it all"

What you are doing is you are creating Urgency, because a lot of people can not stand the fact they gonna lose out.

7. Remember The 5 "W"'s......... (What, What, Where, When, & Why)

The example how the 5 "W" is address

* "3 Surprising Reasons Why You Need To Be On Periscope"

8. Use the Negative Form of a Word Instead of a Positive One.

Here is the example

* Positive Word:  "5 Best Blogging Tips To Help You Succeed"

* Negative Word: "5 Worst Pieces of Blogging Advice"

Believe it or not using the negative word instead of positive converts higher. So you need to think about that how you can turn your title into a negative word.

9. Don't be Afraid to be Controversial

Let say you are an Apple Enthusiasts: Here is a great title

* "Why Apple is Failing at their Social Media Strategy"

If you are Apple fan, you probably gonna click on that, so don't be afraid to be controversial, is a great way to engage people in conversation and get them to open your email or read your blog post. 

Additional Tips

a. You Have 72 Characters: Remember to write your title in 72 characters or less.

b. Don't Be Tricky:  Whenever you are making your title don't say something that is not true, don't say something and not deliver the content.

c. Use All Caps on KeyWords: Use cap on a certain keyword.

That is it folk, am very sure you can make some changes anytime you want to give your content a new title.