9 Best Tools for Brute-force Attacks [Updated for 2020]

Posted on the 15 November 2020 by Bhangad12

Are you looking for the most popular Brute-force attack tools to crack passwords? Check out and download the brute force password cracker tools and program online for pc and mac.

Brute force attacks can best be described as an automated password guessing process that can be carried out through various techniques.

It ranks among the most popular methods that can be used to compromise password protected systems.

Password compromise is still an ever-present threat to the integrity and confidentiality of data. Generally, passwords that have less than 7 characters are most susceptible to brute force attacks.

Brute force password cracker tools can also reveal hidden web pages and content on various web-based applications.

Out of the plethora of brute force attack tools that are currently available on the web for ethical hacking, we have compiled a list of open source and commercial solutions you too can use to get the desired results.

Check them out below:

List of 9 Best Tools for Brute-force Attacks In 2020

1. Aircrack-ng

Let's get started with Aircrack-ng a popular and reliable brute force password cracker that uses dictionary attacks to crack pre-shared keys. This handy wireless hacking program generally offers four different WLAN security services which include network monitoring, testing, attacking, and cracking.

The attack's success is dependent on the Aircrack password dictionary. You are more likely to crack passwords with brute force when you have an effective and improved password dictionary.

2. John the Ripper

So you want to use the best brute force password cracker?! With John the Ripper, you have a reliable brute force attack tool that was built to test the strength of user passwords. It can also crack passwords by using dictionary attacks and brute force encrypted passwords.

This open-source password hacker was developed initially for Linux operating systems. The developers have since released various improved versions of the software for Windows, BeOS, DOS, and OpenVMS systems.

3. Rainbow Crack

You're about to download Rainbow Crack a top-rated brute force password cracker that uses pre-computed rainbow tables to crack password hashes. This brilliant software can also generate rainbow tables for use during brute force attacks so you don't always have to download them.

Thanks to its ability to perform organized brute force hacks, Rainbow Crack is already used by individuals and companies around the world. It is also supported on the latest Windows and Linux OS versions.

4. L0phtCrack

L0phtCrack is the next brute force attack tool recommendation on our listicle and it is already well-known for its ability to test password strength as well as recover lost Microsoft Windows passwords via rainbow tables, brute force attacks, dictionary attacks, and hybrid attacks.

This remarkable password auditing & recovery software comes with multiprocessor algorithms, scheduling, as well as network monitoring & decoding features. You also get to use it to crack passwords and perform hash extractions on 64-bit Windows systems.

5. Ophcrack

This latest Ophcrack version has also managed to rank among the top brute force password cracker tools that are currently available on cyberspace. This Windows-based software can dump and crack password hashes by using preset rainbow tables.

The Ophcrack open source program can be used to effectively crack any Windows password that contains less than 14 alphanumeric characters in a matter of minutes.

6. Hashcat

Let's now introduce you to Hashcat a great brute force password cracker that comes with various hashing algorithms that can guarantee a high success rate during most cracking processes including LM Hashes, Unix Crypt formats, MD4, MD5, Cisco PIX, SHA-family, and MySQL systems.

Hashcat is free, fast, and features an in-kernel rule engine that can be used to perform a series of brute force combination hacks, fingerprint attacks, dictionary attacks, permutation, and hybrid attacks.

7. DaveGrohl

Perhaps you're a macOS user; DaveGrohl could easily turn out to be the ideal brute force password cracker for you. With this standalone password hash extractor, you get to perform incremental attacks and dictionary attacks with minimal effort.

Moreover, DaveGrohl also supports a hardware distribution mode for performing password hash attacks on multiple PCs at the same time.

8. Ncrack

Are you looking to download brute force program tools? If yes, then you should know that this latest Ncrack software version is a must-have password-cracking application that was built for bypassing network authentications.

It was designed to assist security professionals and companies alike with auditing larger multiple access networks. Ncrack can also crack weak or default passwords effortlessly. It is compatible with various PC systems including Windows, OS X, Mac OS, Linux, and BSD.

9. THC Hydra

With THC hydra, you have one of the oldest brute force password cracker tools developed for PC systems. It can boast of over 30 protocol coverage capabilities which is more than most other password crackers we've sampled recently.

THC Hydra is also quite reliable when it comes to password cracking and bypassing network authentications with dictionary attacks and brute force attacks.

The Takeaway

That's it for our handpicked selection of top password hackers for PC systems.

Note that the success rate of brute-forcing is dependent on different factors including combination of characters, password length, and use of special characters.