9 Animals That Are Feeling the Impacts of Climate Change

By Garry Rogers @Garry_Rogers

RT @Interior: These animals are too cute to lose to climate change: https://t.co/N7FSQjxD9K #ActOnClimate https://t.co/xiVSQ4EHlw

Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.doi.gov

GR:  This beautifully illustrated blog post explains how climate change threatens these species.  The U. S. Department of the Interior provide the post.  This is the agency that:

  • approves fossil-fuel exploration and extraction,
  • approves excessive livestock grazing that removes forage needed by wildlife, spreads weeds, and increases fires,
  • approves power production and transmission projects that benefit humans and harm wildlife,
  • promotes recreation and tourism often at the expense of wildlife habitat, and
  • decides which species get to be protected under the Endangered Species Act.

All of this indicates that resource management cannot be sustainable in a political system like that of the U. S.