8 Ways to Save Time on Social Media Marketing

By Lisa @Lisapatb

Learn 8 Ways to Save Time on Your Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing Today:  Do you feel like you spend too much time on social media marketing for your blog? I came across this infographic and I thought it would be very helpful. It’s something I had been wanting to make up for myself for some time now. How many minutes a day are you spending on your social media marketing? I find on days I’m not producing content it’s a LOT of TIME.

There are great tools out there to help you like the Buffer, Hootsuite and Bundle Post.They can help you save time but how about keeping yourself better organized too? This infographic helps us to see how we can not only do our social shares but also produce our content, do research and our analytics.

Here’s a great quote I got from Robert Caruso of Bundle Post:

You have to have enough relevant, valuable, curated content in your streams every day.  You can spend hours a day doing that one post at a time using readers, browser plugins and other clunky tools, or you can spend your time on the things that actually get results like engagement. BundlePost helps you easily manage 3-5 days of social media scheduling curated and marketing message content, hashtags them all in seconds and lets you focus on getting real results.” – Definitely one for my to do list!

The 8 Ways to Save Time on Social Media Marketing Include:

  1. Responding to mentions and questions. How often do you check and respond on these? I used to check notifications as they came. Now I try to only check in on certain times of days. Otherwise you will interrupt other activity you have going on and quickly get off track. This is NOT an easy one to do.
  2. Sharing from third party apps. How many shares do you do from third party apps? You should set a certain amount of them that you will do. Otherwise you could spend hours doing this depending on which tools you are using too. It may also make you less productive overall as you go from one thing to another and not staying focused on your social media marketing.
  3. Commenting on Blogs. How many comments do you leave on blog posts? You should set a goal for how many to do per day and a limit as well. You could get lost going from blog to blog leaving comments.
  4. Following new folks. How many people do you follow each week? This is something you should check out once per week. Find new people in your niche to start following and engaging with. This will expand your network and they may follow back.
  5. Producing new content. This one is the most important. It is not easy to stick to a schedule either as life can get in the way and boy has it for me this year! It’s also good to try to have a couple of posts in the “bank” for when needed. An evergreen type of post would be perfect for that time when you haven’t anything to publish.
  6. Analytics. Checking results via your analytics – You must know how everything is working for you. The only way is to check your stats and how folks are coming to you is to check your webmaster tools, stats, etc.
  7. Trim and prune your follows on various social networks. Why continue to follow folks who unfollowed you on Twitter? I like using Nutshell Mail to do this one.
  8. Research for new content, ideas etc.. You can’t produce new content if you are not doing your research! This research includes gathering info on new topics and finding graphics for your posts as well as making a video or slideshare, etc.

Compliments of: Rignite Inc.

How many of these suggestions do you use now to save time on doing your social media marketing? How many would you begin to use now?  

Do you have more suggestions to save time on your social media marketing? 

Top Image courtesy of Mister GC at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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Lisa loves helping others to thrive online through Social Media, Blogging and SEO. What good is knowledge if you cannot share it with others?
She has 20+ years experience in marketing/advertising with 4 years experience blogging, social media and SEO. Get her new eBook Tweeting Like It's 2nd Nature Today!

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