8 Tips For Accepting A Compliment Gracefully

By Sarahohm @sarahohm
Hey loveys,
I wanted to write about somethings that have come up lately in my life and wanted to share. This post is about 1 of them, I will be writing about the other soon. I don't want this post to be taken out of context, but I do think it's something that we need to know and be aware of in this day and age.
It's no surprise that when you do something great, or look like a bombshell, people are going to compliment you. It happens to me, and it's been happening to me more since starting my new job and meeting new customers and regulars and all the people I now work with. I get complimented on a dress or my makeup and I blush and get all awkward and have no idea how to handle a compliment. I know, I know.. it's not exactly the worst problem to have, but a lot of the time many people don't know how to accept a compliment in a classy, non-cocky type way.
I did some research and I wanted to share my favorite tips on how to gracefully accept a compliment!
1. Don't be overly modest
This is something most people struggle with, however downplaying what the person is complimenting you on may seem like you don't respect that persons opinion. Plus, if you are being complimented on your work, it may seem like you didn't pull all of your effort into it which kind of makes people think you don't care.
2. Make eye contact
This is something that I struggle with most. I get nervous when I'm looking into people's eyes.. I always have. However, having wayward eyes makes it seem like you don't deserve the compliment, and some people might interpret wandering eyes for rolling your eyes which makes it seem like you don't care. Try your best to look people in the eyes when you're speaking to them, it will get easier over time!
3. Smile
Smiling is probably one of the easiest things to do. If someone is complimenting you, it's easy to smile because it makes you feel good. It shows people that you're acknowledging their kind words, plus if you don't know exactly what to say, holding a smile can give you a few extra seconds. Smiling is a silent way of saying "thank you"...

4. Say Thank You
When in doubt, just say thanks! If you say it while smiling, there really is no failing :). It is a basic reply, however if you're worried about saying something wrong, this is perfect for you.
5. Don't Over Do It
You don't need to be thanking someone over and over again or crying tears of joy when someone says something nice to you. Going overboard may seem fake and people will sense that, kind of like when you downplay a compliment. Just be yourself!
6. Don't Expect It
When you do good work, don't assume you're going to get complimented for it. Replying to a compliment with "Oh, I know" is really, really bad... so please, just don't do that. It makes you look conceded and no one likes that.
7. Give A Compliment in Return
When someone compliments you on your new hair cut, compliment them on their great outfit! It's a nice way to return the favour of a compliment. It shows that you don't let compliments go to your head and that you don't think your'e superior to anyone.
8. Give Compliments Often
Giving compliments often actually reflects the kind of person you are as opposed to who you are complimenting. It shows you're a great person and that you notice details. Also, when you compliment many different people, it gives you the chance to study how other people respond to compliments, find out what you like and don't like, and then you're able to grow yourself through that.
I think that giving and receiving compliments are both super important to us as humans, however I also think that most people get flustered and don't know how to respond when someone says something nice to them. These tips will hopefully help you when you're in a jam, or at least will encourage you to say more nice things to those around you! Spreading the love makes others feel great, and it will make you feel SO good too :).