8 Things to Consider When Choosing a Husband

By 9jagirl4real

Originally posted on Vincent Egoro:

Photo Credit: flickr.com

The spate of divorces, tales of heartbreaks; domestic violence; maltreatments; and so many other complains from women in the hands of their spouses, got me really wondering as to what women consider when they choose to date or marry men. I do know that women are always choosy and careful about things that matter to them. A woman would not hire a housemaid whom they have very little information about; a woman wouldn’t hire a security person whose character hasn’t been proven; women are always careful about their drivers, hairstylist, tailors, and other customers…they go all the lengths just to make sure they can trust these people. Yet when it comes to marriage, many women are always in haste. And in their haste to be married many women are too easily satisfied with the characters of men who may offer themselves as husbands.

In a rush to…

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Filed under: Future, Girl, God, Hope, Life, Love, Preseverance, Smart, Uncategorized, Women Tagged: Advice, Faith, Family, God, Hope, Inspirational, Life, Love, Marriage, Men, moving forward, Prayer, Relationship, Relationships, School, Society, Truth, women