8 Simple Steps to SEO

Posted on the 12 August 2013 by Tom Jamieson @tomjamieson_

If the term ‘Search Engine Optimization’ or ‘SEO’ sounds new to you, then you still have a long way to go. This is especially true when your end goal is to reap the internet of some profits. Put quite simply, SEO is more important to business websites as it is having an entrance door to a brick and mortar store. As the latter would suggest, it’s as vital because SEO allows a business website to have visitors. Visitors, as we all know could very well be called as prospects or leads. And from these my friends are where customers could be plucked from.

Search Engine Optimization is a process of organizing, tweaking and manipulating of a website’s content and coding to increase its number of organic visitors. “Organic visitors” pertains to people who’ve used a search engine such as Yahoo, Bing and most importantly Google, to find and visit the website. Furthermore, because SEO is meant to be a process, it is not an overnight thing. It’s a process that a website owner needs to study and improve upon. Now this infographic should jumpstart your knowledge in regards thereto.

Marcella W. Olds is an SEO blogger who currently works at getmorepromotions.com. She has just completed college and is now in a phase of wanting to be on her own. She’s banking some of her future to a Pure Leverage review she read a month ago that compelled her to be an online entrepreneur.