8 Reasons Why I Come Back To Your Blog Again and Again

By Lisa @Lisapatb
I've been reading many blogs lately as to why bloggers don't like your blog. I wanted to focus on the positive and the reasons I keep coming back to read your blog. Isn't that what you want? Readers to come back to your blog and read each post that you worked hard on to write, did research on and hopefully found or created graphics for. 

1) Content - I love reading about new things - new angles on various topics of interest and sometimes topics out of my interest so I can take a break.

2) Layout - Pleasing to my eyes - I don't have to search through endless ads to find the content. A clean sidebar is a must too!

3) Type - I don't have to squint to read the text - nice large text in short paragraphs - I don't have time to read war and peace. 

4) Freshness - I don't want to read on topics of social media or SEO tips  that are old - it changes constantly and I want to read the most up to date info I can find. 

5) Responsiveness - If I have a question or leave a comment do I receive any response? One missed response I can deal with but not 5 or 10. No one likes to be ignored.

6) Graphics - I love to see a visual - and I need to see a visual. It doesn't have a to be a Picasso either! When I come upon a blog without a visual I tend to not to want to read it.

7) Few Links - If a blog post has just links out to everywhere, why bother reading that blog? You can just read the ones that they link out to. A few links out are fine and sometimes necessary.

8) Sharing - I do like to be able to share great content that I find on blogs through various social networks so the blog should have ways in which to share it. Sharing is caring!

What is it that makes you come back to read a blog over and over again?