8 Proven Ways To Become A Successful Blogger In 2015

Posted on the 04 February 2015 by Kharim Tomlinson @KharimTomlinson
8 Proven Ways To Become A Successful Blogger In 2015

We have come to the end of the first month of 2015. How did you kick off the new year with your blog? Are you going to make this year to shine and become a successful blogger?

Becoming a successful blogger is the dream of many people who own a blog. Most of us wonder, what does it really take to become successful in this blogosphere?

Well for one thing that I know is that hard word and dedication is required along with a strategy is what helps to create successful bloggers. Making a true living online through blogging can be quite a challenge but it's not impossible.

In this post I am going to share with you some 8 tips that you can apply to become a successful blogger in 2015.

Be A Regular Guest Blogger

8 Proven Ways To Become A Successful Blogger In 2015

A great way to let others to know about you and your blog is to participate in guest blogging.

Guest blogging is a appearing on another blog as a guest and writing an article for that blog. It is as simple as that and fun as well.

Many people have used the method of guest blogging to drive huge amount of traffic to their blog. I have personally used guest blogging to double my blog traffic on many many occasions.

In order to make guest blogging work for you then you need to do it on a regular basis, guest post on blogs close to your niche, guest post on blogs that has lots of traffic and find as much blog to guest post on.

If you do guest blogging on a regular, lets say at least one guest post every week then I guarantee that your blog will benefit greatly.

Interview A Successful Blogger

Have a feature on your blog where you can feature some successful bloggers in the form of an interview.

I don't know about your but I love to read interviews with bloggers who have been blogging for some time and know how to make money online.

When I see a blogger interview then this helps to give me ideas on the approach I need to take while blogging.

Not only me, but I am sure that others see it this way as well.

Network With Other Bloggers

Networking is another great way to boost you blog in 2015. With the number of social networking sites out there today this should make it easy to connect with lots of bloggers on different platforms.

When it comes to networking then bloggers will blog to this medium for blog promotion.

Networking not only involves sharing each others blog post but this will also help to get you noticed by other bloggers as well.

I have met tons of new bloggers by networking with other bloggers through Facebook and Twitter. Those two are my favorite sites to make new connections.

Did this help to boost my blog?

Sure it did. I have gained new advertisers, which helps my blog to make money. I have also been offered top of the line guest posts, which helps my blog to grow when I publish these contents.

So if you ever want your blog to grow in 2015 then networking with other bloggers can do the trick for you. You will become a successful blogger even faster if you network a lot.

Use Social Media To Drive Traffic

Social media sites has proven to drive traffic for tons of bloggers and you can do the same with your blog.

If you haven't set up your Facebook fanpage, a Twitter profile or any other social media site then you are missing out on free traffic. You need to do so now.

Take Pinterest for example. I and many other bloggers have used this social site to drive tons of traffic to our blog.

Check out Lisa Irby's post how she drove traffic to her blog using Pinterest - How to Build Passive Traffic With Pinterest

Not just Pinterest, but there are tons of other social media sites that you can use to drive traffic to your blog.

You can use: Facebook, Twitter, Google +, Pinterest, Instagram, YouTube, StumbleUpon, Linkedin and others.

Get on the ball today and become a successful blogger by using social media to grow the presence of your blog.

Be Up To Date With Current Events

Lots of time you can create a buzz around your blog if you stay up to date with current events.

Do you operate a new blog or a blog that needs to be updated with the latest buzz? If so then you have to be at it regularly.

People don't want to get juicy news about their favorite celebrity late. They want to get the fastest updates there is, and in order for this to happen then you have to be up to date with current events.

The came can be said of technology blogs. As soon there is a new Android phone or Apple phone on the market then your readers are going to hunt for information on these.

So it would be wise to get the updates out there as soon as possible so that you can keep your readers entertained.

Invest Wisely In Your Blog

I always have a saying, if you want to make money then you are going to have to spend some money.

Investing in your blog if you want to make some money in the future is a wise decision. Don't look at it as wasting money, but look at it as an investment.

Don't hold back from spending on your blog because if you are wise then your blog won't hold back in making that money for you.

Purchase hosting for your blog, don't go for free hosting. Imagine you could be making an affiliate sale and because you choose free hosting your blog has a 5 minutes or more downtime due to server overload.

Purchase a theme for your blog so that your blog can grab the attention of first time visitors or returning visitors to your blog. Your theme can help to increase the readership and subscribers of your blog. So be sure to get a great theme to match the name of your blog.

You can also get some premium plugins for your blog such as ones that will help to boost your blog traffic, increase your subscribers or ones that will help to make your blogging easier.

Investing in your blog is the way to go if you are really serious about making money while blogging.

Find New Ways For Entertaining And Educating Your Audience

We all love to get educated especially when entertainment is involved.

If you can come up with a great way to entertain your blog's audience while you educate them at the same time then trust me, your blog will be a hit in your niche. The only thing that you will need to do is to continue educating and entertain your audience.

One thing that you have to realize is that people love to have a smile on their faces so if your blog can do that then you will have a smile on your face as well.

You don't even have to worry about promotion because once a person likes something then they will want to share it with others as well.

So find new ways to make your audience smile and learn at the same time.

Write And Publish Like Crazy

Think for a moment, why do people come to your blog?

Isn't it because of the contents that you have on it? Yes.

Your blog visitors aren't visiting your blog to click on your ads. They aren't visiting your blog to look at your design (well maybe they are).

But the number one reasons is because of the type of content that you have on your blog.

The more content you have on your blog the more visitors you will have? Well not necessarily.

You have to realize that the more you write it will help to keep your current subscribers or visitors coming back to your blog. If you have loyal blog subscribers then you need to feed them with contents so that they don't leave your blog.

Writing and publishing like crazy will help to show that your blog is always being updated and this should also make search engines love your blog.

To become a successful blogger in 2015 then you are going to have to do lots of writing. If you don't want to publish on your blog on a regular then you can save those posts for when you want to do guest blogging.

Start Your Mailing List Today

Be honest with me, have you started your mailing list as yet?

If so then congrats and I hope that you are having success with it.

If not then shame on you. You should have started.

Building a mailing list can take time especially when you want to get the type of subscribers that will be coming back to your blog each time you do a blog post and sending them a mail to let them know.

The key to getting ahead is to get started.

Blogging in 2015 and becoming a successful bloggers will be quite a challenge if you don't start gathering your subscribers from early.

People who love your blog will be ready to subscribe. But how can they subscribe if you don't have a mailing list?

Mailing lists can be great for traffic and making money from your blog. So get on the ball today and start your mailing list now.

2015 Is Your Year To Shine

To become a successful blogger then you should remember that this depends on how active you are on your blog and the amount of promotion that you do. So always remember to be active!

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