8 Pregnancy Myths Busted – And Truth About Why They Are a Hoax!

By Shwetashetye

Are you expecting? Wow! Hearty congrats  Wish you an enjoyable carrying phase and safe delivery. You should be the eye of the apple of your kith and kin. That’s the best part of such phases  I will be taking you through a few funny myths which would be bombarding you in all directions. You will have very new caretakers sprouting from the family and friends circle offering you a bouquet of “DO’S & DON’Ts”. Do lend your ears but let the final call be yours based on your intuition and your doctor’s feedback. Let me try my best to help you in choosing between the truth and the myth. Do have a hearty laugh!

Put up cute baby pictures on the wall for a beautiful baby

Myth: Place pictures/wall hangings of cute little babies in such a way that they appear right in your eyes as soon as you wake up. This will make your baby in the womb look cute/beautiful.

Truth: Absolutely false!! How did those pictures get such heavenly power? The complexion/features/looks of the baby completely depend only on hereditary factors. However, having a pleasing atmosphere around a mom-to-be gives a relaxed feeling.

It is time to “EAT FOR TWO”

Myth: Eat for two for 9+ months? Are you joking? How many pounds would I gain more?

Truth: The exact truth is you have to eat healthy with little extra care when you are carrying but not eat “EXTRA”. Eat well. Have a complete nutritious diet. It is as simple as that. On average you need 300 extra calories per day. Avoid alcohol, junk food, and allergens, if any.

What’s your belly shape?

Myth: The shape of the belly, the cravings the mother has, the heart rate determines the gender of the baby.

Truth: Absolutely not.The myth goes like this if you are carrying high/low, it is a girl/boy. The shape of the bump depends on various factors like muscle size, posture, the position of the fetus, etc. The salty the mother to be craving for indicates a boy in the womb and vice verse. Lesser heart rate indicates a boy. Your baby’s heart rate will keep varying in each of your scans, depending on the age of the fetus and activity level during the scan. Gender cannot be predetermined by any factor.

Want more baby hair, get heartburn!

Myth: Suffering from heartburn, itchy belly indicates that the baby in the womb has more hair.

Truth: My son hardly had any hair on birth, but I had heart-burns and itchy belly all through. Heartburn is only due to the hormone changes during pregnancy and due to lack of space for the digestive system.(The baby grows and grabs the entire space in your tummy!). Skin irritation is common because the skin stretches and lacks moisture.

Morning sickness and stretch marks are absolute musts!

Myth: All pregnant women will have morning sickness/nausea and stretch marks (post-delivery).

Truth: Nah. Nah…Nah… All these depend completely on individual hormonal changes. There are many gifted expectant moms who never had an episode of morning sickness. It is hard to predict if you will stretch marks. But I can definitely say stretch marks are not a mandatory gift post-delivery.

Foods that lead to a miscarriage!

Myth: Pineapple consumption will lead to miscarriage.

Truth: Is it? Are you planning to swallow tons of pineapple? The truth is that pineapple has bromelain, a type of protein, which softens the cervix. But, for this, you have to consume gallons of juice or tons of pineapple slices. Eating a few would do no harm. There are few mentions across the internet stating that pineapple juice in excess was used to induce labor naturally. Hence, avoid it if you are already running a risk of miscarriage.

Lying on your back is a strict no-no

Myth: Lying on your back might suffocate the baby and cause emergencies.

Truth: This is one myth which drove me crazy. I have always slept upright and I missed my sleep during all trimester hearing to this. The truth is doctors recommend sleeping on your left to ease the blood circulation to the placenta. That does not mean you shouldn’t sleep in any other position. Definitely, an expectant mother cannot sleep in one position. She needs options. Sleep on your right/left/back and never on your tummy.When you turn and change position does it with care. Don’t turn swiftly!

Want a fair baby? Get it with saffron!

Myth: Having saffron with milk makes the baby’s complexion fairer.

Truth: Nothing can trigger how fair your baby is going to be, but its genes! It is only the genes, which are responsible for the complexion and nothing else. But, having few strands of saffron adds strength to your uterus definitely.

No tender coconut water!

Myth: Tender coconut water is harmful while you’re expecting.

Truth: I love tender coconut. But, when people forcefully refrained me from taking it, I took the stand of researching on the topic. All that they provided as the reason was unsafe to a baby. And few even said my baby’s head would resemble the shape of a coconut!! The truth is as follows

  • It is a zero cholesterol and fat-free beverage.
  • It helps in regulating your BP and cholesterol as it increases the level of HDL in your body.
  • It boosts and rejuvenates the water level of the body which helps an expectant mother to get relived from dehydration and constipation.
  • This refreshing drink provides you potassium, magnesium, and protein which helps in the growth of the baby.

These are a few funny things, which I came across. Enjoy reading and have a hearty laugh. Don’t come to the conclusion that all that is said by elders fall into this category. There are definitely a lot of true ones. Heed to them. Get your intuitions right and follow the advice given by your medical practitioner.