8 Parenting Tips To Help Teach Your Child To Share

By Bren @Virtual_Bren

If your little darling tends to keep their toys all to themselves in the playground, you need to do something about it fast if you want them to grow up into caring, compassionate humans. Sharing is one of the essential lessons in life and the sooner your child learns it, the better off they will fare in the world as grownups. Here are a few tips on how to teach your kid to share and experience the joy of giving and kindness.

1. Explain why it is important to share

Possessiveness and egocentrism are the main principles that govern a child’s life, so do not expect a self-centered toddler to turn a Good Samaritan overnight. Keep explaining to your child that sharing is kind and selfishness is mean and that being good means giving and helping others.

2. Teach by example

Kids learn by copying adults, so try to expose your toddler as often as possible to the situations centered on sharing. You are your child’s role model, and if they see you giving or lending your belongings to others, they will be more likely to follow in your footsteps.

Kids learn by copying adults. You ARE your child's role model! #childrenClick To Tweet

3. Gratitude matters, too

Teach your child that nothing comes for free and that they need to be nice if they want to get something from others. Practice giving and receiving with them at home, and train them to say Thank you” for presents and borrowed toys to show their appreciation for other people’s kindness.

4. Join in the sharing game

If your toddler refuses to let other children play with his/hers toys, join in the game and pick a few of your kid’s favorite playthings, but do not let the possessive little parker touch them. If they start complaining, tell them to give one of their toys to another child if they want to get one of your playthings in return.

5. Give some to get some

One simple method to teach your kid generosity is to tell them that not sharing their things with others means that others will not share with him/her either. This will help your child realize that they cannot expect to get things from their friends unless he/she shares their possessions with others too.

6. Make presents together

Encourage your child to make presents using some cheap yarn, play dough or cardboard. Draw with them, model clay together or teach them to knit, and then have them give their self-made masterpieces to friends or family members so that they could admire their work. Kids love applause and compliments, so this will prove a great strategy for teaching them that sharing is good for them too.

7. Start working on their emotional intelligence

Small children often do not realize that other beings have needs and emotions too, which can be a major problem when it comes to their willingness to share. Start building your kid’s emotional intelligence by telling them that other kids feel sad when not allowed to play with his/hers toys, and that sharing playthings makes other children happy.

8. Reward and punishment

If your child starts sulking or, God forbid, screaming every time they are supposed to share playthings with other kids, take away their toys and tell them that there will be no playtime unless they agree to share. However sly this conditioning technique may be, it does work like a charm when all other methods of teaching fail. Also, extend playtime every time your kid shares toys with others to reinforce the lesson.

Teaching a child to share can be a really difficult task, but if you follow these simple steps and remain consistent in the training, your kid will soon realize that kindness and generosity are a must. Some of these methods allow all the family to engage in creative projects and spend some quality time together as a bonus point.

Good luck!

8 #Parenting Tips To Help Teach Your #Child To Share #familyClick To Tweet


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