8 of The Coolest Construction Technologies That Will Reshape The Industry

Posted on the 15 March 2019 by Meet Rv @wemeetrv

Technology is really affecting the way we live. As a matter of fact, it’s revolutionizing every aspect of modern day life, and the construction industry is no exception to this. It’s one of the few sectors that is being updated regularly where latest technology upgrades are implemented on a day-to-day basis.

In the construction industry, technology comes through innovative ways of construction, and although changing the future of building seem to be a part of the future, there’s no denying that there are plenty of technological trends that we can enjoy right now.

So, what would the future of the construction industry look right? That’s what we are about to discuss. Here are the 8 of the most cooling construction technologies that would reshape the industry.

#1. Smart Bricks

For those who are not familiar with original bricks, the best way to describe them is that they are modular connecting bricks that can be compared to Legos. They are made of high strength concrete and developed further. Smart blocks are known to be very versatile, and they also come with the right amount of thermal energy control and could even reduce overall reduction costs.

#2. 3D Printed Houses

The best way to describe 3D printed houses is that they give us a glimpse of what the future of construction would look like. Basically, homes would be created through the use of 3D printers wherein parts will easily be produced. The beautiful thing about 3D printed houses is that it could quickly meet housing needs, especially those who just experienced physical disasters and natural calamities.

#3. Smart Roads

There are intelligent construction cones, of course, there will also be smart roads. Smart roads are considered to be the future of transport, and it involves the use of sensors, as well as IoT tech that promotes safer and greener driving. They also provide drivers real-time information about traffic and weather conditions.

#4. Self-Healing Concrete

The government spends millions of dollars every year just to maintain, restore, fix, and build tunnels, bridges, roads, and buildings. This is something that couldn’t be prevented because traditional concretes do break over time, and it has to be restored once that happens.

Fortunately, self-healing concrete has been invented. They are accommodating as they could add years to a building’s life which means it would be possible to save both time and money in the long run.

Basically, the science behind self-healing concrete is that when water enters the crack, it will reactivate the bacteria that was mixed with it during the process. As this gets activated, it would secrete a compound that would fill in the gaps.

#5. Cloud and Mobile Computing

In the construction industry, one of the biggest challenges would be trying to collaborate in real-time across all stakeholders. However, with cloud technology, this can easily be fixed in the most cost-effective way possible.

With cloud technology, it’s easier to set up and manage end-to-end project control platforms, and it also allows collaborative workflows and more natural communication.

In the construction industry, it’s essential to ensure that the necessary information can be accessed by everyone to prevent costly mistakes.

#6. 4D and 5D BIM

BIM technology is being highly promoted in the construction industry, and we probably know why. It offers a lot of potential benefits, such as faster and less costly construction without compromising the quality. Not just that, it also improves life-cycle costs.

As this kind of technology develops, we can expect an increase in the adoption of higher levels of BIM, and this would bring about industrialization.

#7. IoT

The construction industry accumulates large amounts of data continuously, and IoT technology is actually changing the way real-time data are collected and managed. With IoT technology, thousands of devices could be connected through the use of wireless routers, and these routers are capable of transmitting information through the cloud at a rapid rate.

#8. Vertical Cities

Last, but definitely not least, would be vertical cities. Soon enough, they’re going to become a reality as the world’s population keeps on growing, and the land becomes scarce. Basically, these buildings would be similar to Tetris blocks and would be inhabited by a lot of people.

Not only is it space-saving, but it’s also believed that it could be a solution that would be able to preserve more land for food, production, and nature.