8 Not-to-be-Missed Podcasts to Grow Your Blog

By Anovelsource @thenovellife

Are you a blogger? Do you want to grow your blog? Do you desire to create the best darn blog possible?

If you answered ‘yes’ to any of the above, then these podcasts are essential for you.  Who knew that blogging wasn’t just about the writing!

If you are participating in Bloggiesta this week then your podcast challenge is to choose one episode from the list of podcasts below and either blog about what you’ve learned in the episode, send me a note on Facebook or Twitter about your experience, or leave a note in the comments.  If you already have a repertoire of podcasts you listen to that are beneficial to your blogging, please do share!  We’re in this together!

Learning how to market your blog, manage time & find inspiration are key to successfully…

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Here’s a few resources to help you along your journey.

The Chalene Show. I’ve argued with myself about this podcast ~ it seems to be geared to mega-bloggers/entrepreneurs but she’s got a ton of great information that is applicable to so many of us, plus she’s energetic and encouraging.  A recent episode had her sharing tips for using Instagram to grow your blog.   Each show is filled with tons of tips you can implement now ~ it’s like having a blogging mentor/coach delivered to your smartphone or computer a couple of times each week.

How They Blog with Kat Lee. Although there hasn’t been a new episode since October, 2014 I do want to include this gem of a podcast.  I still go back and listen to certain episodes for encouragement and understanding and tools such as Blogging Breaks and Tools to Help You Balance Blogging and Life and my favorite episode, How to Blog Like an Olympian.

Happier with Gretchen Rubin. {and her younger sister, Elizabeth Craft}.  A new podcast but already topping the charts and for good reason.  The podcast is professionally produced with hosts who are prepared, know their message and are quite relatable.  It was especially funny in this episode to hear older sister Gretchen correcting baby sis Elizabeth!  So as not to reinvent the wheel, here’s a handy dandy instructional on how to listen to a podcast if you’ve never done so before.

Organomics.  As a notorious “stacker,” this podcast has made a world of difference for me.  Rather than ‘everything has a place and everything in its place’ I tend to have stacks ~ stacks of books on the stairs, stacks of papers under my desk, stacks of clothes next to the bed. . .well, you get the idea. . .This podcast is put out by Smead and each week features professional organizers offering their best tips for all areas of the home and office.  One that resonated with me recently is the Get Your Desktop Organized.  I’ve got to have a pretty clear desktop in order to stay focused and not feel so chaotic, do you?

The Lively Show.  One of the first sites I followed on Pinterest was SF by Bay and then followed Victoria Smith over to The Lively Show with Jess Lively.  It was cool to hear how Victoria became good friends with Grace Bonny of Design Sponge fame in the making blogging buddies episode.  With the book blogging community being pretty darn friendly it was nice to hear that kindness exists in the design blogging world as well.

Smart Passive Income.  Although the name may be off-putting the content is phenomenal whether you’re just starting out as a blogger or you’ve been in the business {or hobby} for years, Pat Flynn is the go-to guy for all things blogging.  It’s hard to pick a favorite as I’ve learned so so much from his episodes, but a recent one did have me changing up my morning routine. Check out A Day in the Life of Pat.

8 not-to-be-missed podcasts to build up bloggers

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This Is Your Life.  Michael Hyatt is a leader in the publishing world, and more recently, in blogging and podcasting arenas as well.  His podcast has evolved over the past year to include Michele Cushat as co-host.  If you’ve ever wondered why your life is different than what you imagined it would be then have I got the perfect episode for you: Making Peace with an Unexpected Life.  Empathy is a powerful tool and knowing that someone else is not living the life they expected has helped me tremendously.  It even has me writing my version of making peace. . .hopefully one day coming to a bookstore near you

Being Boss.  A new one but a goodie!  Sisters, Emily Thompson and Kathleen Shannon, share tips, tools and resources for “creative entrepreneurs.”  An important message to all of us as bloggers: Personal Branding “whenever it comes to your personal brand I really think it means just showing up as yourself 100% of the time in work and life so that you can deliver on the promise of who you are and what people can expect.”  Bottom line message ~ be you. be real. 100% of the time.

For more podcasts targeting work-at-home mums & dads visit I’m Not the Nanny;

For a list of great bookish podcasts visit River City Reading

Are you a podcast fan? Do share your favorite in the comments or on the flip side ~ why you don’t listen to podcasts.