8 Most Charitable Celebrities

Posted on the 15 April 2011 by Mregina @justfundraising
Frequently lost among the ubiquitous stories of celebrity gossip and scandals are stories that reveal the charitable side of the rich and famous. Most celebrities are in fact active philanthropists, donating time and money to a range of causes from cancer research to world hunger. These are the eight most charitable celebrities who give time and money to worthy causes.

1. Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt

This celebrity couples combines their star power in all they do, in love and in charitable endeavors. They created the Jolie-Pitt Foundation which spent millions of dollars to build homes in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. Jolie and Pitt have proven to be big donors, and money raisers, after natural disasters.

2. Oprah Winfrey

Many consider Oprah Winfrey as one of the most powerful people in the world, but she is also one of the most generous. Through her Oprah Winfrey Foundation she has launched numerous educational and charitable programs in the U.S. and around the world. Estimates of her total donations have reached into the hundreds of millions of dollars.

3. Sandra Bullock

On the same page as Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, Sandra Bullock is on the front lines of donating when people are in dire need. She has donated millions to relief organizations after large scale disasters like the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, the tsunami in 2004 and September 11th.

4. Tiger Woods

The best golfer in the world is also the richest and one of the most generous. He has committed millions to the Tiger Woods Foundation, as well as to the Tiger Woods Learning Center. In addition, Woods launched a scholarship program named after his father, Earl D. Woods Sr. The car donation charity Kars for Kids also made an attempt to acquire his infamous crashed Cadillac.

5. Denzel Washington

The prolific actor Denzel Washington is also a prolific donor. He has donated to charities that operate programs in poor countries like Africa, as well as charities from his home state of North Carolina.

6. Rush Limbaugh

While Rush Limbaugh knows how to ruffle people’s feathers on his radio program everyday, he also knows how to part with his money for a good cause. He has given over $4 million to the Marine Corps Law Enforcement Foundation that provides services to the children of Marines and law enforcement personnel that were killed in action.

7. Jerry Seinfeld

Comedian Jerry Seinfeld is always good for a quick laugh, and he is equally good for a charitable donation. He has given millions in donations to a variety of organizations from Autism Speaks to the American Red Cross. Additionally, he helped create his wife’s charity, Jessica’s Baby Buggy that distributes essential items for children in New York City.

8. Rosie O’Donnell

Actress and comedian Rosie O’Donnell has put a lot of smiles on people’s faces, but not just from her jokes. Outside of Hollywood, she is known just as well because of her charity work. For Katrina Relief efforts alone, she gave nearly $6 million.

These eight celebrities care about more than being in front of the camera. Is there someone you think should be on the list?

 Jennifer Williams has a passion for both travelling and Charity work. This is her first guest post for this blog and we think she did a great job!Jennifer can be reached on twitter @JtotheWilliams

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