Too often we are more worried about what products we are putting on our skin to make it appear healthy, versus the foods we are putting in our bodies that actually boost skins health. Here are 8 foods that you can eat to help give your skin a boost…from the inside.
- Oatmeal – Not only does it make a great facial scrub, but whole grain oatmeal sweetened with fruit instead of refined sugar helps remove toxins from the body, which helps keep skin clear
- Tomatoes – Fresh tomatoes contain lycopene, which is high in antioxidants, protecting and boosting the skins natural SPF on a cellular level. This applies to fresh, cooked tomatoes, not canned. (for more on why you don’t want to eat canned tomatoes, click here)
- Salmon – Along with Sardines, another fatty fish, the Omega 3s in this fish are a natural anti-inflammatory agent. Inflammation can not only cause disease in the body but is one of the main triggers of acne.
- Walnuts – If you’re vegan or vegetarian or if you suffer from excema, you should really think about adding walnuts to your diet. Not only are they a good source of protein, they also contain as much Omega 3s as salmon and they aer full of alpha-linoeic acid which helps to heal dry, cracked skin.
- Green Tea – Again, very high in antioxidants (in green tea it’s catechins) which boost circulation to the skin. Extra points if it’s matcha green tea!
- Olive Oil – We know how olive oil is good for reducing heart disease, but it’s also contains an antioxidnant called polyphenol which also provides natural SPF and also enhances cell growth.
- Kale – Dark green leafy veggies are great for your health and for your skin, they pull out toxins and kale is high in both Vitamins C and A, which help keep skin firm. (Great to eat steamed with Salmon for the helaht and skin benefits!)
- Water – Water is the most important thing for you on this list, without enough water your cells can’t repair themselves and toxins are not leaving your system fast enough. When your skin doesn’t stay hydrated, that’s when dark circles, and blemishes can form. The jury is still out as to whether, distilled, purified or alakaline water have any added benefits. But ALL doctors agree that we need more water!
– Do you have foods to add to this list? Please comment below!
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