8 Famous Shopping Things in Kerala

By Swastik Holiday @swastik_holiday

The state of Kerala offers a wide range of shopping choices due to its wealth and diversity in terms of cultures, ecosystem, and agribusiness. During Kerala Tour Packages, shopping becomes an especially rewarding experience.

Kerala attracts a lot of tourists who come to take in the scenic beauty, festivals, and cuisine. Kerala shopping, however, is a completely distinct and one-of-a-kind experience.

List of 8 Most Popular Shopping Things in Kerala

Shopping in Kerala is made more enjoyable by the various products that each district in the state offers. When shopping in Kerala, you have an incredible selection of products to choose from, whether it be clothing, jewellery, food, or handicrafts. As a best mumbai travel agency we offer a list of best shopping things in kerala which you can buy from here.

Essential Oils, Spices, and Herbal products

Ayurvedic ingredients and spices were once synonymous with the state of Kerala. Even today, Kerala’s abundance of unusual and distinctive spices and ayurvedic herbs is a blessing.

Visitors to Kerala make it a point to purchase these goods in various regions of the state. Additionally, vast quantities of spices and herbal products are sent to many nations. In the past, the term “spice route” was created for no other reason.

These spices and herbs are commonly grown in Kerala’s hilly regions. The common and well-known shopping things in kerela which can purchase, are listed below.

Spices include black, white, and green peppers, ginger, cardamom, turmeric, cinnamon, nutmeg, bay leaf, and Khasakhasa. Herbs include vettila, thinppali, vayambu, noni, murikooti, pathimugham, panikoorkka, and kattar vazha seedlings.

Aranmula Kannadi (Mirror) and Nilavilakku

Aranmula Kannadi Mirror – Kerala

The Aranmula mirror is one of the nicest and most priceless shopping things in Kerala that you should have on your list when . Making this flawless piece is a joy for the crafts person. The mirror is a magnificent work of art made of metal that symbolizes success and luxury. Or at least that is the prevailing belief.
This special mirror was created in the temple town of Aranmula. Unlike back surface mirrors, the handcrafted front surface metal mirror does not have secondary reflections. There is no glass refraction effect that applies to it. This ought to be a part of your wardrobe, right?

A traditional lamp called a nilavilakku is used in houses of worship, on auspicious occasions, and even in places of worship. These lamps, which are made of bronze or brass, are available in various shapes and sizes. They weigh differently based on size and require good maintenance to keep it gleaming always.

Jackfruit Chips, Banana and Cashew nuts

Both the deep-fried banana in coconut oil and the banana-cut into cubes sweets are must-buy shopping things in Kerala. Plantains (Ethapazham/Nendram), which are mostly found in Kerala, are used to make them.

Have you ever eaten hot, crispy cashew nuts that were fried over an open flame? Delectable! Of course, you have a variety of shopping items in Kerala, including spicy, roasted, fried, salted, and simple foods, as well as foods with chocolate and dates. expensive treats, as opposed to banana chips.

Kasavu Mundu and Sarees.

Kasavu outfit gracefully represents someone’s disposition through style and tradition. The Kasavu saree and Kasavu mundu are the traditional attire for men and women in Kerala, respectively.

During Kerala’s festival seasons, the hand-woven, cream-colored dress with a golden color border is regarded as the auspicious attire. It is both elegant and cozy, especially with the ornate border decorations in intrinsic golden color that are currently lavished upon it.

Also Visit: Top 12 Popular Festivals in Kerala

Kathakali Masks and Nettipattamt 12 Famous Fes

Kerala is the place where Kathakali, a well-known devotional dance style, first appeared. The performer’s colourful and striking mask is definitely something to marvel at.

The same is true of a Nettipattam, an intricate golden adornment worn by elephants during religious rituals.

These two items are of the utmost importance to individuals who cherish and admire the state’s festivals and dancing traditions. Art lovers proudly display these in their homes, obviously not for the purposes for which they were intended.

Tea – Coffee

In addition to spices, the state produces a lot of tea and coffee. These beverages are popular among Keralans. A variety of premium teas and coffees are produced by plantations in the districts of Wayanad and Munnar, which you can purchase.

Homemade chocolates

Everyone enjoys chocolate, right? The Munnar district is well-known for being a tourism hotspot and for its tea and coffee. A pleasant surprise awaits you as you browse the stores in this area: homemade chocolates.

The region’s fertile land yields an abundance of cocoa, enabling local businesses to create chocolate. Shopping in Kerala for these homemade chocolates can bring about sweet surprises for those who are used to tasting branded chocolates.

They are not packaged attractively, and there are no marketing to seduce you. You sample them before purchasing. Chocolate comes in vararious-sized bars and pieces, including white, brown, and dark varieties. Mango, pineapple, strawberry, rose, lichi, spicy, and many other flavours are available.

Instead of paying for a piece of chocolate like you would normally, you pay for its weight. Prices for 250 grammes start at INR 300.

Also Visit: Best Packing Tips for Kerala trip

Handicrafts and Coir Products

Coir Shopping Things – Kerala

Even though the situation has radically changed recently, coconut and its byproducts still occupy prominent and respected positions.

Backwaters and boat safaris are the first things that come to mind while considering a trip to the Alappuzha (Alleppey) district. Beyond this well-known vacation destination is a vibrant range of coir goods.

Coir, which is made from coconut fiber or husk, is used to make a variety of shopping things in Kerala, including carpets, rugs, and brushes. These green products, which also include items for the house, are appealing, practical, and long-lasting.

Shopping for handicrafts, designer goods, and souvenirs is possible anywhere, including Thiruvananthapuram, Quilon, Cochin, Calicut, and the majority of other districts. Kerala’s handicraft market is distinctive and well-liked; items are typically made from sea goods, ivory, wood, or clay.

Additional shopping things in Kerala including traditional jewelry and trinkets that you can buy during your Travel Packages to Kerala from Hyderabad.

In addition to a wide variety of other items, Kerala shopping options include superb fruits, delectable seafood, and soft coconut products.