A domain name is the license through which a website gets to operate on the internet. Commonly likened to a company name, a domain plays a very key role in the success of a site and the entire business contained therein. You have to be very ken when choosing domain names as a slight mistake is enough to kill the site and make it less popular online. There are many sites where you may purchase domain names; these sites usually have licenses to auction these names at a fee based on the domain name extension e.g .com, .au. biz .co.net and so forth. The name you choose should be related to your business and easy to promote online. Below are some tips that can help you in this.
8 Best Ways in Choosing The Right Domain for Your Business Img via – websapiens.eu
1.Make the Domain Name Easy To Type
Customers look for sites in different ways. Others do actual typing of the entire URL while others type part of the domain name. Whichever the case is, ensure that the domain name you choose is easy to type. When you deliberately pick a domain name that does not incorporates the use of slang for instance ‘u’ instead of ‘you’ you may lose customers in due process because your site will be difficult for them to find.
2.Ensure the Name Is Short
The length of the domain name is critical to the success of the site for which it is applied on. A very long URL has lost of disadvantages in that it makes life very difficult for the customer to search for the site. The chances of the domain name being typed wrongly are higher when it is long compared to when it is short. Customers will also have a problem pronouncing it.
3.Incorporate Keywords
Keywords refer to the search terms that your clients type in when they are looking for your or a business in your industry. It is therefore very important that you incorporate relevant keywords as part of your domain name. If you are running a glass repair business for instance, try using domains like glassrepair.com or cheapglass.biz. This will improve your search engine ranking and traffic to your site.
4.Target Your Domain to the Area of Your Operations
If your business has local clients or it aims at capturing local leads, it is very important that your domain name focuses on this particular area. This will be indexed by local Google search bots and it will rank higher whenever someone searches for a business in your category within your locality. If you are selling flowers and your business is in Perth, you can use perthflorists.com or flowersperth.com. This will increase your authority and reputation online.
5.Avoid using Hyphens and Numbers
Using hyphens and numbers can really mix your clients up. Most of them do not have time to debate whether it is an underscore or a hyphen or it is a numerical 5 or a five. Such kind of confusions can cost you so much. Always make your domain names straight and simple without putting in so much that will negatively impact on your visibility.
6.Ensure Your Domain Names Are Memorable
The ability of your clients to memorize your domain name means that they can search you with the exact URL without putting in keywords. This becomes very important as your visibility is enhanced. When someone searches you with the exact URL, there is no chance that he will be taken to any other site other than yours. Try sharing the name with friends and ask for their honest opinion with regard to the ease of pronunciation.
7.Research the Domain Well
The sites that sell domain names can help you in this. But even then, you need to be careful that the name is not copyrighted or trademarked. If it happens that it is, you could suffer huge losses in litigation plus the loss of your domain. To avoid this you therefore need to engage in intensive research.
8.Use a domain extension that reflects your activity
There are lots of domain extensions today with many more coming. These extensions denote a particular function of the site. The most common ones are .COM, .ORG and .INFO. There are many other extensions and depending on the nature of your site you can opt for one extension and not the other. Most ecommerce sites use .biz, organizations use. Org, informational sites use .info, technology oriented companies use .net and so forth.