(8+) Best Encryption Software For Windows (2019) – (Free & Paid)

Posted on the 13 April 2019 by Harsh Sharma @harshsharma9619

Check This Out Best Encryption Software For Windows 2019. In this world full of gadgets, There is always the possibility of leakage of sensitive data out in the unsafe hands. So, the encrypting the data with safer standards makes it a little bit more secure towards the nerd hackers. And, Encryption of data is not the piece of cake - You can also corrupt your important data - if you'll handle the process without care. Thus, Today - I'm going to share few encryption software free downloads for Windows 10/7/8.1 and XP PC. They'll definitely help you out. Let's have a look at them.

Even though, There are lot of best encryption software programs available on the internet. But, here I've selected a few of the programs which are on the top of the list, based on their features and price. I hope, the information will help you out. Let's dig more into it.

List of Top Best Encryption Softwares

Here is the list of Best Encryption software for windows. If you have any doubt or suggestion about anything related to the list or the article itself - please feel free to leave a comment below.

#1 AxCrypt - Best Encryption Softwares

One of the most known and Best Encryption Software for Windows 10 PCs. You can use it for encrypting almost every file on your media device. The Program uses the Most advanced 128-bit encryption technique to protect your Data from unauthorized access. Simply select a file - right click and you can call the program easier to encrypt the file. Easy... isn't it? ( open source encryption software)

This is another best encryption software for mac and windows PC. You can use it to protect any of your files - no matter 'How big they are' or 'How binary they are'. You can simply encode them using this simple program. SO, install and protect your confidential data using this program.

Unlike other Data encryption programs - This one simply doesn't encrypt a single or multiple files. This one is mainly designed for protecting the whole Drive itself. So, If you have any external drive or you want to protect the internal drive itself. You can simply think of this program and you'll get your job done in minutes.

Another great drive and files encryption software - which has its own features and benefits over other programs in the list. One of these benefits is the simple GUI of the program. It's simple and easy to understand its working and application on the files. Thus, makes the users comfortable with its usage.

A basic file compression and file encrypter. You can't assume the high level of security with this kind of encryption software. But, still, 7-zip is one of the most known and effective file compressors and encrypted on the internet. So, for the average users - this is just as fine as a paper. 🙂

What a great software to protect and keep the files on the digital form. You can select various settings as per your need and change the encryption settings for your files and drive. This makes things more clear to the user and their security. you must give this one a try.

#7 Windows 10 Encryption

The Default - Windows 10 comes with Encryption Facility. You can use this default feature of the windows and protect your confidential data. But, This method is a bit slower than the usual software method. But, still - if you are not interested in downloading any third party program. You can use this one. 🙂

BitLocker - is the last but not the least software for Data encryption on your HDD. because this one comes by default with Microsoft widows -SO, you don't even need to install it externally. You just have to turn it on for protecting your PC from hackers. Give this one a try.

From the Editor's Desk

Wooh... Finally, the article came to an end. Please make a comment below, if this article helped you in getting the thing you wanted. And, any suggestion is always appreciated. I'll definitely try to help you out with your queries in the comments. Thanks for your time. I'll see you in the next article.