7×7 Link Award

Posted on the 19 March 2012 by Tjatkinson @T_J_atkinson

Thanks to Stevee @ Cinematic Paradox and Anna @ Defiant Success, I’ve been chosen to participate in a 7×7 link award thing. The premise is basically to name certain posts that correlate to a description, such as ‘Most Beautiful Piece,’ or ‘Most Underrated Piece’. Then I have to pass this meme onto seven more people. So let’s get down to it. First I have to answer the following tricky question: “What’s something I know about me that most people don’t?”

Well, you probably don’t know that I am a huge fan of the British TV show Fawlty Towers. And when I say huge fan, I mean huge motherfucking fan. I live and breathe on the twelve episodes that were created, and I honestly believe it’s the funniest show in existence. If it were a film, it would be my favorite film of all time. It’s that good. I’ve seen the whole series at least one hundred times (that’s not an exaggeration… I can quote whole episodes by heart) and I know every minute of every show back to front. If you haven’t seen it, you are missing something great in your life.

Anyway, onto the rest of the questions, the blog-related ones:

My Most Beautiful Piece: Well, I am pretty proud of this review of Robert Bresson’s Mouchette, which faithful reader Christian Hallbeck told me was one of my best reviews ever. Also, this great film gets very little attention, so yeah, I would like to put it out there. I only wrote it a few days ago, so it’s the most recent one on this list. Written: 15 March 2012

My Most Helpful Piece: I really like this post I wrote about the ten most important countries for film, because I do see it as a very helpful guide for people who want to learn more about world cinema. It’s a great post I love reading, if I’m allowed to say that. Written: 17 July 2011

My Most Popular Piece: Easily this post on ten essential indie comedies, which was freshly pressed on WordPress and to this day has nearly 14,000 views (getting more every day). Written: 16 May 2011

My Most Controversial Piece: I can’t say any of my pieces have been controversial, but this review of The Help has been used to bash me over the head. I won’t lie… the film is fucking terrible. Written: 10 February 2012

My Most Underrated Piece: I do reckon this post I wrote regarding the characters in the movie Fanny and Alexander is one of my favourites, but it got surprisingly few views. What can I say, I think it’s fun! Written: 19 November 2011

My Most Surprisingly Successful Piece: I really did not expect this strange and ludicrous post of fake porno movie titles to become so popular, but it’s one of my most viewed posts, so people are obviously drawn to it. Written: 4 October 2011

My Most Pride-Worthy Piece: I have to stick with something simple here: my list of 100 Essential Foreign Films (and the follow-up list of ANOTHER ONE HUNDRED) which followed it. It took ages to compile, but I was so proud of it in the end, and that’s what counts, right?

Now, I’m supposed to pass this on to seven more people, so here goes:

Alex @ And So It Begins…

John @ TDYLF

Scott @ Front Room Cinema

James @ Cinema Sights

Jessica @ The Velvet Café

Andy @ Andy Buckle’s Film Emporium

Julian @ Dirty With Class