
Posted on the 26 April 2013 by Kristy47 @watchingwaytoomuch

The answer to Thursday's Trivia Question: Ted Knight starred in Caddyshack and The Mary Tyler Moore Show. I was thinking of using Too Close for Comfort to make it harder, but wimped out.  You guys would have probably gotten it. You guys are good!

FIRST FIVES:  Bill McLaughlin, Lance Beitler, Bob Kaplan, Gerald Piscopo, & Francesca Sullivan Honorable Mention:Rachel Snyder Wednesday's Broadcast Top 5 American Idol-FOX 3.2/12.1

Survivor-CBS 2.7/9.8
Modern Family-ABC 1.8/5.3
Law & Order SVU-NBC 1.8/7.2
CSI-CBS 1.5/7.6
Wednesday's Broadcast Trendrr Top 5 American Idol-FOX 244,783
Survivor-CBS 54,850
Law & Order SVU-NBC 53,512
Supernatural-CW 42,355
Arrow-CW 37,677

Wednesday's Cable Top 5 Duck Dynasty Finale10p-A&E 4.3/9.6 YES THAT'S NOT A MISTAKE!!! 9.6 MILLION PEOPLE

NBA Playoffs-TNT 2.0/4.3
Duck Dynasty 930p-2.0/4.5
Duck Dynasty 9p 1.5/3.6
Big Bang Theory-TBS 1.3/3.0
Wednesday's Cable Trendrr Top 5
NBA Playoffs-TNT 731,212
Duck Dynasty-A&E 264,136
NBA Playoff-TNT 161,343
NBA Playoff-NBA TV 105,225
MLB-ESPN 86,403
Late Night Ratings for the week of 4/15/13-4/19/13 Leno .8/3.0 Kimmel .8/2.8 The Daily Show.7/1.6 Letterman .6/2.5   Colbert .6/1.3 Fallon .5/1.5 Conan .5/.9 Nightline .5/1.8  Ferguson .4/1.4  Carson .3/.8
Early Morning Ratings for the week of 4/15/13-4/19/13 GMA-1.7/2.0 Today Show-1.7/2.0 CBS This Morning-.9/1.0
The Vampire Diaries/The Originals I was preparing for the worst. I knew this weeks Vampire Diaries was the pilot or the set up or whatever for The Vampire Diaries spin off, The Originals. I gotta be honest, no Damon, no Elena, no Stefan, I didn't think I'd care. I didn't wanna care, I mean do I need another vampire show in my life?  The vampire things getting old, Twilight's over and done so I figured this was a slam dunk right? No go on the Originals...WRONG!  Julie Plec is good. I don't know why I doubted her. What was I thinking? Of course the premise is good. Klaus and his family move back to New Orleans to rebuild, and rule the city. With the help of Hailey, one of Klaus's one night stand werewolves, who is pregnant with his miracle child, the Michaelson's have a shot at their dream, a family dynasty. Sure the miracle vampire baby thing happened (kind of) in Twilight, but I didn't mind. Plus, you have New Orleans as the backdrop which makes things interesting.  You have the delightful Elijah, and probably nutty Rebekah to help their bro and manage Marcel who currently rules The French Quarter.  And...what if Caroline gets lonely in Mystic Falls and shows up in The Big Easy at some point?  All I know is that I liked The Originals, and I'll be watching whenever it airs. Damn you Julie Plec! 
Glee I Didn't love this weeks episode of Glee at all. I didn't love the power being out at McKinley right after they had a fake shooter in the school.  I didn't love that Ryder and Kitty were both molested as kids and we still don't know FOR SURE who Ryder's text connection is with. I didn't love any of the songs choices, I didn't love Jane Lynch's shameless Ms. Hannigan plug. I didn't like SJP, or Santana, or anything about the show. I guess if I had to find a highlight it would be the last song, Billy Joel's "The Longest Time," but the show in general annoyed me and this is why I don't see how they are going to keep us all happy and wanting to come back for two more seasons.  I'm honestly thinking that this season could be my last. For real. 

Scandal O...M...G! Scandal was back and it was SOOOOO GOOD!I didn't want to watch it live (since I actually never have) so I DVRed it and watched it this morning. You don't want to watch live because you want to consume it all at once. One lonnnnng breath in of Olivia and Fitz and the gang, and then you can breathe again. All week long I had been getting tweets of "752" from everyone associated with the show and now we all know why. Huck must have said "752" seven hundred and fifty two times in the 44 minute episode. SPOILER ALERT: Now we know why. Huck apparently had been tortured and brainwashed to forget that he had a wife and a kid. While he was homeless and living in the subway, he would see them at 7:52am from a distance when they commuted each morning. HOLY CRAP! That's a huge revelation! Another revelation is that Noel, Huck and Charlie all work for the same B613 team.  And of course not much of a revelation at all but still just as intoxicating...any scene at all when Fitz and Olivia are sharing the same air. You can feel their chemistry, you can feel their longing, you can feel their ache.  But they are F'ed. I'm not sure how it can possibly go down if they get together and Melly Mel opens her big fat yapper.  Only 3 more episodes left I don't think I will last the Summer without this show. I think I'll have to rewatch the season again!  Oh, btw...nobody ate, nobody slept and nobody went to the bathroom in this episode. Probably because gladiators don't do those sort of things. 

Parks & Recreation Mini Golf? Mini Golf? The Carruba's LOVE mini golf! So of course I loved this episode of Parks & Rec.  Leslie needed Councilman Jamm and his hair's swing vote to keep the publicly funded mini golf course from shutting down. Leslie's solution, show the guy a good time. Play 18 holes, eat snow cones served by a PYT and get the vote. Only one problem with that plan...Ron Swanson showed up a conscience and the other POV. Councilman Jamm figured out a great way to decide how to vote...let Ron and Leslie play a sudden death round for his vote. Of course Ron won and of course Leslie saw the error in her ways, but damn Ron Swanson kills me. I just love that guy!  Couple other things going on, Tom needed Ann Perkins to break up with Mona Lisa for him. Didn't go so well which is good because while Mona Lisa is super annoying, she is super funny too. Andy thought he got kicked out of his band, but the truth was, that nobody in the band could get in touch with him to tell him when they were practicing and playing, because he broke his cell phone. So he sang his "Swan Song" and then had a reunion concert and all is well with Mouserat for the moment.  NEWS & INFORMATION:
-The week of 5/19 is apparently now YouTube's Comedy Week.  YouTube wants to introduce more people to its growing number of comedy channels. During the week, there will be live events, video premieres and some pretty big names like Vince Vaughn, Seth Rogan, Sarah Silverman, Norm Macdonald and Sarah Silverman participating in the kick off.  Also in on the fun, The Onion, College Humor, Funny or Die, Jash and more. To kick off the week, YouTube will hold a worldwide live stream at 8pm where comedians will perform and hopefully be hilarious. 

-For all of you Scandal fans, I saw this awesome diagram that Joshua Malina tweeted out yesterday and thought you'd appreciate it as much as I did. Let me know if I was right!

-Again, I'm in shock by the ratings and audience that tuned in to the Duck Dynasty finale on Wednesday night.  Record breaking audiences checked out the show, over 9.6 million people for the one hour finale, 5.5 million A18-49 which resulted in a 4.3 rating against the demo. Seriously unbelievable. What am I missing? 

-I believe I mentioned the other day that E! would be covering Saturday's White House Correspondents Dinner Red Carpet, but now even better news. CNN will be providing live coverage of the events inside as well. This is a actually a reason for me to set my TiVO for CNN. (I actually have plans Saturday Night) Conan is performing and I'm betting he's hilarious. So, if you aren't heading out for dinner or doing anything fun on Saturday night, I suggest tuning in to CNN and checking it out for the first time ever!

-No way it will ever happen, especially knowing first hand the types of letters the public writes about content that upsets them and the advertisers that support it. Broadcasters have gone to the FCC asking them to relax the content guidelines in order to compete with their cable competitors.  I give them credit for trying, but again...it will NEVER happen. Trust me on this one. Not a chance. 

-If you were one of the few people that actually watched Ready of Love...good news. The remaining episodes will all air, but not on TV. You can go online to NBC.com, Hulu, Itunes or Amazon to find out the ending. Each ep will still be released week by week. Why? I have no idea but if you even care to finish the ride, this is the only way you'll be able to determine just who was Ready for Love. 

-For the record, I didn't watch any of the NFL Draft, but my son tells me that my Jets got Dee Milliner to replace Revis and Sheldon Richardson a defensive tackle. Whatever. My season will suck no matter what. 

Friday's SUPER HARD Trivia Question: Movie: Father of the Bride 2- TV Show: Scandal Name the Actor

There is a TON on this Sunday...what's your priority?  Have a great weekend! WWTM-Kristy

http://watchingwaytoomuch.com kristy@watchingwaytoomuch.com kristy.carruba@watchingwaytoomuch.com