7 Wellness Tips That Matters a Lot For Students

Posted on the 06 June 2019 by Ssankarr

As a proverb says "student life is golden life". Apart from studying every student must focus on career growth and self-improvement. For these things go smoothly other extra activities or hobbies matters a lot.

Many of us confuse wellness with a healthy body. Wellness is not just about a healthy body but more importantly about a healthy mind and a happy soul.

Wellness has got nothing to do with medical science. It is more so, a state of being at peace with one's own self. And when you learn to be content with your own self, you will be able to conquer all the obstacles in your life.

The problem in being at peace with one's own self is that too many people overvalue what they do not have and undervalue what they have. And that's exactly not the way it should be.

Learn to embrace what you have got.

At times, you might feel envious of someone else's seemingly 'perfect' life. But if you focus just on yourself, other people's lives will not bother you.

As Albert Einstein puts it, "Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving."

Everyone has their share of ups and downs in their lives. And everyone might not show the downside of their lives to you. What we must learn is to keep moving forward unbothered by what is happening in other people's lives.

Here are some great wellness tips that you should follow in your lives

Start by one step at a time and little by little you will start noticing a huge difference in your life.

1. Think Positive

I cannot emphasize the importance of positive thinking. You need to take care of the way you speak to yourself. Don't let negative thoughts weaken you.

Being optimistic does half of the work of keeping your soul happy and hopeful. And believe me, hope is everything in life. When you filter your mind with positive thoughts, your life will start changing.

So, try to be as positive as you possibly can and find the good in everything you come across.

Positive thinking increases the life span, lowers depression, reduces stress, and enhances cardiovascular health.

2. Exercise daily

The hardest thing about exercise is to start doing it. But once you start, there's no looking back. When it becomes hard for you to exercise, just think of exercising as a celebration of what your body can do not as a punishment for what you ate.

The result of exercising will prove to be the motivation for you. Also, try to stay consistent with your workouts. Consistency will reflect directly in the results that you will see later on.

I advise you to exercise early in the morning as it encourages you to start your day with enthusiasm and you will get motivated to work the whole day.

3. Start meditating daily

Meditation is the best way to cleanse one's soul. Meditation helps you to stop letting your thoughts control you. Take the time out every once in a while to meditate and find your inner peace.

Meditation improves your concentration and increases your self-awareness, spiritual connection.

Try to sit in silence because silence will give you powerful answers. Just find a good pair of headphones, sit in silence and connect with your inner being for a while every single day.

4. Sleep well

You need to find a balance between rest and movement. Too much or too little of either one can do more harm than good. Sleep well, at least 8 hours per day so that you can be productive throughout the next day.

Enough sleep keeps us away from diseases and reduces stress, inflammation. It also keeps your heart healthy.

Researches have proven that those who sleep less than 6 hrs daily will be more likely to be overweight and risky.

5. Drink lots of water and eat healthy foods

Take care of what you eat and drink. Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water per day. Go for more of natural foods. Eat green leafy vegetables and fresh fruits daily.

Drinking water early in the morning is a killer habit to keep you away from the doctor. It helps to rehydrate your body, maximizes physical performance, improves your metabolism, helps to flush out toxins.

Along with these, it also helps your hair growth and improves the immune system, provides resistance to fight against.

Also, cultivate the habit of fasting at least 2 times a week as it is highly suggested tip to improve your health and it maintains the blood sugar level.

6. Find a hobby

Hobbies are very essential in everyone's life as they enrich the lifestyle and opens the door to learn new skills and enhances your knowledge.

It makes you more engaging and increases your self-esteem and confidence.

If you don't have any hobby, don't worry!

Try something new based on your area of interest and find something that you really love to do. Be it anything, gardening, cooking, playing, reading books, listening to music, dancing, just find something that makes your heart happy and do it often.

Turn your hobby into a passion and see how beautiful your life will be.

7. Travel the world in vacations and explore new places every once in a while

Traveling to new places is a great stress buster. With this, you can understand and explore the world's different cultures, connect with different communities, it creates great memories for your life, increases your social network.

It is a great opportunity to learn new languages, make new friends, and come out of your comfort zone.

Once a year, go and explore some place you have never been to before. You will learn so many new things about countries, cultures, and people. The places you will explore and the people you'll meet will be the best teachers in your life.

Wrap up

So that's all about it. Remember that there's no one giant step that does it but a lot of little steps.

Most importantly, you need to fall head over heels in love with yourself because when you love yourself, you will take care of your mind, body, and spirit thoroughly.

Hope you found this post helpful.

7 Wellness Tips That Matters a Lot For Students