7 Weird And Wonderful Ways To Get Your Business Noticed

By Lisa @Lisapatb

How To Get Your Business Noticed Today

As an entrepreneur, one of the most important tasks on your plate is to get your business noticed. After all, if few people know that you exist, then sales will be few and far between, which could lead to the demise of your company.

Web content, social media , customer service, and corporate events are all crucial elements of a successful marketing strategy, but, if you want to stand out from the crowd, then you need to think a little bigger.

With that in mind, here are weird and wonderful ways you could promote your brand and get your business noticed today.

1. Give Out Free Merchandise

Everyone loves a giveaway, whether they necessarily need the freebie on offer or not. This means that, when a business gives out something for free, we tend to remember them for a little while. To make this attention last even longer, you should offer something that lasts too.

Stationary, stickers, and drawstring bags are all popular options, as they're useful, affordable to make, and easy to plaster a logo on. Jumping on a trend, like fidget spinners, can work well too.

This means that, when a business gives out something for free, we tend to remember them for a little while. #businesstips Click To Tweet

2. Help Out A Charity

Helping charities is a win-win situation. The organization that you choose to help gets the funding and awareness that they need, and you show your company to be one that cares about more than just money.

Depending on your fundraising idea, you may even attract the attention of the media, earning you some extra publicity. From hosting a charity event to donating your goods or services, there are many ways that you could do about supporting a worthy cause.

3. Make Your Own Music to Get Your Business Noticed

While larger companies can afford to license popular tracks, smaller businesses are often stuck using boring background music for their adverts and marketing videos. If you have some musical talent, however, you could make your own and post it to streaming sites, like Spotify.

With the help of effective Spotify promotion , you could even get these songs onto playlists. If your audience enjoys and listens to your music, then they'll constantly be reminded of your business. Now, that's a different idea, right? 🙂

4. Slap On An Eye-Catching Logo

Wrapping your car is an effective way to increase brand exposure. After all, it is likely to be seen by hundreds, if not thousands of people every single day. While simply displaying your logo and web address can work, you may want to get a little more creative.

Ideally, your vehicle should be so eye-catching that people want to take pictures of it and share them. From cars, you can move on to even bigger subjects, like entire buildings, landmarks, and other places that get attention.

5. Let Customers Choose Prices

Business owners set prices for a very good reason. They need to make enough money to cover overheads and earn a profit. Because of this, the idea of letting your customers choose what they pay can be quite daunting.

After all, there is always the chance that everyone will pay too little. However, this is very unlikely. Most customers won't want to appear cheap or greedy, and as such will probably pay you even more than what you would have charged yourself.

Because of this, the idea of letting your customers choose what they pay can be quite daunting. #businesstips Click To Tweet

6. Repurpose Your Old Content

Posting blog content gives people a reason to return to your business website again and again. If you've been blogging for quite some time now, then you probably have lots of content growing stagnant from months or years ago.

Rather than leaving these posts to fester, you should hunt them out and give them a polish. By turning this content into a video, podcast, or something else, you can drive traffic back to your site, attracting new visitors , as well as existing ones.

Posting blog content gives people a reason to return to your business website again and again #onlinebusiness Click To Tweet

7. Create A Fun Challenge

With shows like Bizarre Foods and Man Vs. Food on the air, we all know how popular food challenges can be. They are a fun and effective way to bring business to a restaurant or other eatery. Therefore, depending on your rules, can make a lot of money.

Even if you don't own a food joint, however, you can still create a challenge of your own. Gyms can host weight lifting competitions, bookstores can run a reading challenge, and toy stores can challenge little ones to quizzes.

In Conclusion of Getting Noticed

With so many businesses out there, you need to think outside the box to get your brand noticed. There are many creative and innovative ways to go about this. So even if the ideas above can't help you, there is still plenty that you can do to have your business stand out from the crowd.

I'd love to know what you have done to get your business noticed today, Please drop a comment below!