7 Tips to Boost Your Website’s SEO

Posted on the 10 March 2021 by Getalladvice @getalladvices

As we are moving towards digitization, more businesses are coming online to gain more customers and generate higher traction. To take the lead in the competitive online era, business owners need to put extra effort into their website’s SEO.

Having a robust SEO strategy has become mandatory for all regardless of their size or industry. Having a robust SEO implementation will not only help in higher rankings but also help in generating more sales without accelerating the paid marketing budget.

If you are also searching for the best ways to boost your website’s SEO, then we have got you covered. In this article, we will have a look at the top seven tips to boost a website’s SEO and take the lead in the market.

1. Domain Name Ownership

Most startups and small businesses never pay more focus to their domain name ownership and it drastically affects their performance of SEO services. Google and other search engines take domain name age seriously and that’s why you should also pay more focus on it. Most people buy a domain with offers that are of only one or two years. After this, they need to renew it again.

There is nothing wrong with it but when you buy a domain for the long term, it reflects the sign of stability and it improves the domain authority of the website. From next time, make sure you register or renew the domain for at least five years as it will for sure bring more benefits to your SEO strategy.

2. Fix all 404

Internal and external broken links spoil the overall user experience on the website and it leads to a higher bounce rate. To boost the website’s SEO performance, first, scan your website for all the broken links and fix them. When you will audit your site, you will find many internal and external pages that lead to 404 situations.

First, fix all the internal broken links and also try to figure out why the internal pages got 404. On the other side, we don’t have any control over the external links and that’s why you need to keep checking them in a periodic manner. If you find some external page has gone missing, update it as soon as possible. After doing this, create a new sitemap and submit it in Google Search Console.

3. Competitive Keywords Research

Another best way to take the lead in the market and gain more visitors from your competitor, you need to conduct a comprehensive competitive analysis. Check out what are the keywords on which your competitors are ranking and your site is not. After that, check what those pages or blogs are helping them rank higher.

After doing all this basic research, you need to focus on content and backlink strategies to gain higher positions than them. If your website’s DA is higher, it will be easier for you to rank on the new keywords. By doing this, it will give you a clear idea about new keywords that visitors are searching for and buying services or products. Perform a quick content audit to figure out how you can introduce these new keywords to your website and boost its SEO.

4. Focus on the Site’s Speed

Website’s loading speed is a major ranking factor for Google and other search engines. So, you have to optimize the speed for both the desktop and the mobile version of your site. As per the standards, a website should load within three seconds and beyond that, users will bounce off to other websites. You can use free tools to check your site’s loading speed and consider the suggestions.

In those free tools, you will find useful technical suggestions that you can apply to bring a drastic change in the loading speeds. If you don’t have an in-house developer, it’s better to hire a good SEO company and get all the technical upgrades done by their experts.

5. Optimize the Images Smartly

Only minifying the images to reduce their website is not enough to boost the site’s SEO and gain higher rankings. You need to utilize all the available options for better optimization. Most people never optimize their site’s images with Alt tags, captions, file names. All these factors play a major role in the overall performance of the website.

Update all the images with relevant alt tags and in the case of captions, use them when you need them to elaborate more about images. Google bots can’t contextualize deeply what images are present on the site. They only rely on the lat tags of images and that’s why it becomes important to use them.

6. Fix the User Experience

UX plays a major role in boosting a website’s overall SEO performance and it also reduces the bounce rate. Along with the site’s speed, make sure all the pages are mobile optimized and the content is readable on mobile devices. This simple addition can help you take the lead in your industry.

7. Social Media

Social media does help in improving the SEO and you need to be consistent and patient while sharing content on social media. The organic reach is very limited and you need to figure out which platforms work the best for your brand. Once you figure out, plan the content when the combination of paid campaigns also.


These were the top 7 most powerful tips to boost a website’s SEO and gain more traction from potential customers. Start optimizing your site now to thrive online.

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