7 Things to Consider When Buying a Yoga Mat

Posted on the 12 May 2015 by Health_news


Yoga is the new ‘in’ physical activity. It doesn’t require much, just comfortable clothing, a yoga guru and a yoga mat. So it then becomes to get these three elements right if you want to reap the benefits of performing yoga.

A yoga mat is the most important aspect after of course the yoga guru. Beginners often make mistakes when picking up yoga mats.

You might wonder how hard can it be to buy something as simple as a mat. But trust me you don’t want to learn it the hard way by buying a mat that is not right for you.

Here are 7 things you need to consider before buying a yoga mat:

  • Texture

You don’t want to be slipping off the mat in the middle of a yoga pose. Buy a mat that is textured and one that has a good grip.

Try out the mat in the shop. If it has a good grip and you’re not slipping off, it is a good one.

You can consider buying a PVC mat that is usually super sticky or a textured one that will give you enough grip to stay put on the mat while you’re at it.

  • Cost

It is always best to invest in a good quality durable mat. The cheap ones don’t last long.

If you really are strapped for cash then do buy a skid less towel or cotton rug to cover up the yoga mat, so that you land up spending less on the mat.

But if you ask my honest advice, pick up a good quality branded one that will save you bucks in the long run, so that you don’t have to replace it often.

  • Material is eco-friendly or not

You have a million options to choose from these days. Mats are made from PVC, eco-friendly materials that do not contain PVC or other materials that damage the environment. It becomes your choice whether you want to save yourself and planet earth or just do your own thing.

You even get mats that are biodegradable and made from natural fibers, rubber, bamboo and even jute.

  • Length

This again might seem silly as you think that all yoga mats come in standard sizes. A standard yoga mat is 68 inches long.

Remember to lie down on the mat and see if it covers your entire body. If you are unusually tall, the standard sizes might not be enough for you.

Several sizes are available in the market, so it’s better to check than be sorry later on.

  • Thickness or padding

Beginners will need a little extra padding till they get used to yoga. The padding helps in preventing injuries when they start out yoga. Once slightly experienced they can move on to a lesser foamed yoga mat.

Yoga mats are simply mats and not meant to be a thick wad of foam. Thick foams are for the gym.

They should be thick enough to cushion your bones and prevent injury but not too thick that you sink in and feel unstable.

To be more specific, a yoga mat can be anywhere between half and inch and one-fourth inch. The more experienced ones

  • Whether it needs to be carried

If you are going to be lugging your yoga mats to a yoga class or even travel with it, then you should invest in a light mat that combines both just the right amount of padding and one that can be carried or transported.

  • Color

It might seem silly. But the fact is that, when you pick up a yoga mat that is brightly colored or one with fun patterns, it will make you look forward to a yoga session and not think of yoga as a bore.

So buy the right mat to make your yoga sessions more enjoyable and safe.

Written by: Rasha Ashraf