7 Things People Immediately Think About You When You Dress Smartly

By Attireclub @attireclub

Are you considering putting extra some investment into your wardrobe soon? It would certainly be worth it, for you should see a strong ROI in both your professional and personal lives. Dressing more smartly can help you find a partner, keep a partner, find a job, or get more responsibilities and money from your current one, build self-confidence and build a sterling reputation around town. Here are the thoughts that pop into a person's mind when they see you walk past dressed to the nines:

If you demonstrate a great sense of style, people will naturally assume that you will in some way be judging them on their own. They may, consciously or subconsciously, begin to smarten themselves up - perhaps by retreating to the bathroom to straighten a tie or pocket square, or polish shoes with a wet towelette. Just look at the sense of healthy competition Patrick Bateman aroused in his fellow fictional titans of Wall Street, and still does in many real men. The irony is, anyone can easily look good, and without having to spend a small fortune to do so. Buy a smart suit and formal shirt from a company such as Dobell to carry you over big occasions, and gradually introduce new items to your wardrobe that will have a big impact like a pair of classic leather shoes or an attractive dress watch.

When you dress well, people expect that your clothing portrays a professional attitude. Therefore, if you have a large budget for apparel and an innate sense of style, but lack the first clue when it comes to actually doing your job, beware. Strangers new to the office may assume you're the head honcho when you're just the guy who gets the teas in. You could be invited to speak in meetings where previously you'd have been sidelined, so you'll need to have a savvy script prepared.

If you look the part then it lends you credibility. Say you're at a business conference and a guy pops up on stage to deliver the key address in a pair of shorts and a holey t-shirt. You'll roll your eyes and check the football scores on your phone. At its most basic level, if you see someone dressed as a police officer you afford them a certain measure of respect.
When a man is dressed formally there's an automatic assumption that they are responsible and reliable.

Well-dressed = money to spend on good clothes = successful in your career. And successful people attract other successful people. Yours is a name worth remembering, a business card worth keeping close to hand. That's why if you're in consulting, or at a networking event, putting on a smart suit is vital. Your services are worth paying for, and since you dress so well, you clearly expect to be paid well.

But he's certainly someone worth waiting for. You may not be at every appointment at the scheduled hour - after all you'll need to spend time every morning deciding what to wear and then putting it on, but the chances are whoever you're supposed to be meeting will still be there when you rock up. And knowing that your evenings and weekends will often be occupied with essential wardrobe maintenance, they'll want to make the most of you. However, this does not mean you should not be always on time!

Be it for a meeting, a hot party, a wedding or a restaurant opening, your name should be down. When you arrive you're guaranteed to turn heads, and knowing you're expected will encourage other guests to make more of an effort too.

When you see someone in a smart suit, it's only natural to assume they'll be accessorising with a solid watch. You don't wear a crisp suit and match it up with a cheap watch or tired old pair of shoes. No; a man in a suit screams style, and it will be taken as read that everything about him will be of a classy nature - right down to the socks. Of course, this does not mean that one cannot sport a great vintage tie or a vintage watch - remember, it's not how old it is, it's how it looks.

To conclude, we can say that the way you look does have an impact on the way in which people perceive you. Fair or not, this is how the world works and this is why you should always do your best to look your best. And, our main advice is "don't do it for the others - do it for yourself"!

Fraquoh and Franchomme

Further reading:

Your job and your clothes: The connection

P.S. How do you want to be perceived by the world? What do you want people to think of you? Share your feedback, questions or thoughts in the comments below! For more articles on style, fashion tips and cultural insights, don't forget to subscribe to Attire Club via e-mail or follow us on Facebook or Twitter!