7 Things About Me Because I’m a Versatile Blogger :)

By Tracyrosen @tracyrosen

I was pleasantly surprised to see a comment from Glo at Glo Sews awarding me The Versatile Blogger award!

I’ve been plugging away at this blog since just after Jack was born in a way to document our little life together. It’s nice to see that others are reading. I’m touched that Glo passed the award on to me – and she’s from Tennessee. I visited Tennessee a few times about oh…could it be almost 20 years ago? And I loved being there. Thanks Glo! Go visit her blog to see her interesting posts about sewing and crafts.

By accepting this award I agree to do the following:

  • Thank the blogger who awarded me with a link back to him/her.
  • Share seven things about myself.
  • Pass the award on to fifteen other newly discovered blogs.

7 things about me

1 – I have the best little boy ever! He’s 8 months old and has started to scoot around the house. He spends most of his time exploring what is around him and smiling and laughing at everyone.

2 – I am in the process of selling my lovely home in the country and purchasing another home closer to my family and friends in Montreal. If I get the one I put an offer on on Friday (I can barely think about it! I want it very much!) I’ll still be in a country setting but in a village and only 20 minutes away from my parents aka Jack’s daycare and work. Things would really go smoother if one of the people who have already visited my house would put an offer on the table for me TODAY since that could firm up my offer on the new (figuratively speaking…it was built in 1924) house because there is ANOTHER offer on it as well! Ack.

Here’s my house on a bright sunny day, click it to go to the listing (plug, plug)

3 – I have changed my diet to cut out sugars, dairy, and grains, as well as most legumes. I did it at first because of a tenacious case of thrush that Jack and I were sharing and now I continue to do so because I just feel better. I am also sleeping better and my joints no longer hurt me the way they were before. I’m eating good food, just nothing processed. Once in a while I do have my ice cream and my chips, the other day I had a croissant. I’m not banning myself from certain foods. I find that I generally don’t want to eat those things that make me feel bad and keep me up at night.

4 – I like that I have started to make things with my hands again. I’ve moved from painting to sewing. Lately I have been preoccupied with starting work again and the house hunt so I have not made anything in about a month but I have a few projects in my head. One may even make its way out of there today!

5 – I really enjoy my morning coffee and I love that Jack lets me have a coffee before he wakes up to eat in the morning :)

6 – My dogs crack me up. They can be big pains, too. Like when Toby gets on the couch and licks at his paw while, in the process, soaking the couch with his licking. Eww. And how Jacob snores at night and hogs the bed, oh and that time he ate the duvet. Picture it for a moment… But they still crack me up. And Jack seems to enjoy them too. He and Jacob like to touch foreheads through the mesh on the play pen.

7 – My parents are awesome. I am there multiple times a week since having Jack. They are his daycare, allowing me to return to work 3 days a week even though Jack is still so little. Sometimes I just go there to have another set of arms or two to plop him into while I lie down on the couch for a while! They even put up with Toby and Jacob from time to time. Really awesome!

My dad feeding Jack pears

Jack with Grandma on the left and Bubbie on the right

And now I just have to pass the award on! Woo hoo – an excuse to fart around looking at cute and crafty blogs :)