#7 - The Legend of The Golden Duck

By Trebeca04

#7-Legend of the Golden Duck

A few years ago, my husband and I were at an estate sale, where he spotted a wooden duck form that was plain, no color or other detail.

He asked me if it was something I might be interested in for my art work.  Although I had no immediate inspiration, I liked the wooden duck form, it was well made and the right size and the right price, so I said yes.
 The wooden duck sat around my studio, somethimes he would be sitting on a vintage roller skate, other times he would be sitting on the window sill, patiently waiting his turn at the worktable. 
Those of you who follow my blog, know that I make a lot of "memory" pieces.  Memory pieces are art pieces typically start out being a recognizable wooden form, a frame, a box, an an animal form, then I will usually 'paper' the piece with a selected color, and then I begin to 'embellish' it with bits and bling. 
I typically work with silver-toned bits and bling, for no real reason except that I like the way the silver looks.  
Looking back on when I was working on this piece, I realized I was working on 3 pieces at the same time, a mirror, a mannequin head and this duck . . . and all three were in gold tones.
The title for this piece is inspired from a children’s activity book titled: “The Legend of the Golden Duck”.
Happy Summer everyone!