Friends I shall start by telling you about Carmine Gallo, Indeed, he is the author of “Secrets of Steve Jobs presentations” and “Secrets of Steve Jobs innovation”, a book which I found very interesting and which I put the advice into practice successfully.
7 Secrets of Steve Jobs innovation
Carmine Gallo confesses that he is proud that his book has inspired so many people. The question that will arise during this session is: ”What would Steve Jobs do? ”
- “Do what you love”: the passion is we cannot build our future investors, prospects or clients if you are not inspired ourselves! Passionate people can change the world.
- “Put a dent in the universe” Steve Jobs wanted to put a computer in the hands of everyone. Two people can see the same thing and not have the same vision. How we apprehend it and those around us can influence our future.
- “Kick start your brain” : Creativity is connecting things together. They must try to think of ideas that you can connect them together and consider what may happen next.
- “Say no to things and keep 10,000 concentrate on one thing”. Watch the Apple website; it makes you focus on what is important!
- “Create insanely great experience”: As Steve Jobs said people do not want to buy a new computer “thing with a processor and such power card trick” because finally, (except for a small proportion of geeks) they just want to know what they can do with it.
- “Master the message”: Having the best idea is useless if you do not convince anyone. We need to know about us and convince so we can implement the idea that we had.
- “Sell dreams not products. Dream bigger. ”It is easier to sell the dream concrete products. Believe in yourself and your ideas and you will achieve your dreams.
These seven principles of innovation Steve Jobs are widely developed in the book of the same name. I have not read it yet but it should not take long.
Anyway Carmine Gallo shows us here that it is able to captivate an audience and make a presentation interesting and gives ideas and desires for the future. Even though I was already a fan of the author, I confess that I was much more character.
Get your copy of “Secrets of Steve Jobs innovation” in just $14.23
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