7 Reasons Why Starbursts Are Healthy

By Marensmorsels @marentweets

So, in my strange world I justify Starbursts as a healthy snack………….. can you go there?

  1. Starbursts are all individually packaged and sometimes difficult to open. You burn at least 3.7 calories simply trying to open the darn things.
  2. They are super chewy which gives the facial muscles quite a workout. SCORE!
  3. Their colors match the flavor they represent. Lemons are yellow people. I’m aware this line of thinking falls under the “chocolate m&m’s have the least artificial ingredients because chocolate is already brown” idea, but I’m going with it.
  4. Starbursts are made with real fruit juices. There has to be some nutrients in there.
  5. They are tiny. We all know a little of anything is okay……….. except for illegal substances.
  6. Based on some studies the rush from sugar is much better than the boost from caffeine. Hence, Starbursts are better for you than coffee!
  7. Starbursts take a long time to eat, if you lick them instead of chewing which helps me eat less.

Tell me about you!!! I want to know………….

Do you believe that Starbursts are healthy now?


What shack do you believe is healthy that the world might not quite agree with?

Have you ever been to Europe? If you have, have you ate at a café?
