7 Minutes of Yoga at Your Desk Equals Hours of Stress-free Work

By Bren @Virtual_Bren
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If someone were to ask you if you’re taking care of yourself, what would your answer be? Yes? No? Or, I could do better.

One thing I’ve noticed about myself is the busier I get the less I focus on my overall health. Is this you, too?

Not that we want to take care of ourselves but when you’re knocking out projects, who wants to stop while the momentum is good? We get so caught up in our daily business that by the time we know it, it’s been a couple hours since we’ve been sitting at our desk without having moved our body.

The Dangers of Prolonged Sitting

We all know sitting for a long period of time is hazardous to our health.  It can lead to the development of serious illnesses such as

  • A higher risk of heart disease
  • Affects your mental health
  • Weight gain
  • Develop high cholesterol
  • Develop Diabetes

But let’s be real for a minute. Who has time to squeeze in a workout when you have emails to read, comments to reply to and blog posts to share. Not to mention if you’re looking to monetize your blog, there are sponsored posts to apply to and don’t get me started on mom/wife responsibilities.

But, there should be no excuses to work out or relax. Sure it may feel like we’re going one hundred miles an hour that just means we have to get creative when it comes to making time to move around.

Nothing stretches the body and clears the mind like yoga. What I love most are the many benefits there are like a stronger immune system, better sleep and of course, improves sexual performance.

I found this awesome channel on YouTube called Yoga with Adriene and she is fabulous! She has a ton of Yoga videos and I while I was browsing through the list of videos, I found one called Yoga at Your Desk. In less than 7 minutes you can fit in a little yoga in between emails!

Here’s the video. Namaste!

I found the moves easy to do and it sure stretched my neck and back. Can you believe in less than seven minutes we can relieve the aches and pains caused from prolonged sitting?

So while you’re working hard at achieving your goals and making money from home, remember to take care of yourself and move your body around during the day!

Let’s Chat!

What did you think of the video? Is this something you think you can fit in your daily routine? What do you do to keep moving at your desk?

Take some time out of your work schedule and do #yoga at your desk.Click To Tweet Share Tweet +1 Pin Share