7 Little Ways to Improve Your Day

By Natalie Tamara @thetofudiaries

Sometimes, with you barely noticing it, the routine of life can take over and making time to take a moment out to reflect is easily forgotten. As a reminder to do just this, Dragonfly tea (who you may remember appeared in these White Tea & Lemon Cookies) sent me a beautiful dairy-free Easter egg filled with a selection of tea. This was such a beautiful gesture and idea that it inspired this list of little ways to improve your day.

1. Have a tea break - this is about as simple as it gets, no? But there really can be something magical about taking a moment to yourself and drawing in a hot mug of tea. My favourites are Dragonfly tea’s Indian Spice Chai and Yogi Tea’s Licorice Egyptian Spice.

2. Treat yourself - take a moment to have a bite of something that just makes you feel good. Eat mindfully, taking in the taste and fully chewing every mouthful. A square of dark chocolate or a bliss ball are even better since they will naturally boost your mood and energy levels.

3. Do something you’ve been putting off – that feeling when you tick something off your to do list is just the best, but what is that one thing that always crops up on your list yet never seems to get checked off? Whilst doing the task itself might not seem like a route to a better day, the feeling you’ll get afterwards will.

4. Remember something you love - when the everyday stuff takes over, it’s so easy to forget about things you once enjoyed doing. I can name a few and one of them in nail art – I’m pretty rubbish at drawing or painting but with a teeny nail as my blank slate I can do an OK job. I can’t remember the last time I even painted my fingernails so taking a moment to create these Easter nails felt pretty satisfying!

5. Remember someone you love – another thing that slides so easily when you are busy is keeping in touch with those who matter. Take a moment to drop them a message, write them a letter or send them a little treat to take a little break of their own.

6. Get outdoors – nothing puts thing into perspective better than fresh air. Going for a hike is more taking a whole day out rather than a moment, but it can be as small as pausing on your doorstep before you go in or taking a short walk around the block to clear your mind (if nothing else, just opening a window next to your desk will do!)

7. Try a new food – giving your tastebuds a new sensation can transport you far away so do this as often as you can!

What do you do when you need to take a moment to yourself?