7 Incredible Cate Blanchett Performances

Posted on the 27 November 2015 by Caz @LetsGoToTheMov7

Carol is released in the UK today and I have been looking forward to seeing it for months, after hearing about it while down and in London when the British Film Festival was on. For the premiere I was actually standing so close to the red carpet but couldn’t actually see anything. Cate Blanchett is a double Oscar winner, and been nominated three other times if that doesn’t say something about her incredible ability I don’t know what else will? But she really does have a fantastic range of films and she first came to my attention in Lord of the Rings.

Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit (Review 1Review 2 – Review 3) (Review 1 – Review 2 – Review 3)

Who better to take on the role of such an elegant race in Middle Earth? A truly fantastic character who we got to see again in The Hobbit.

Blue Jasmine

Having a total breakdown as her life has fallen apart trying to reconnect with her sister, it all just works.

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (Review)

I have always been such a big fan of this film and the performances from Cate and Brad Pitt really do bring out the best in one another.

Notes on a Scandal 

A teacher who has an affair with a pupil and found out by a colleague the rather crazy Judi Dench who makes her life hell.

Elizabeth/Elizabeth: The Golden Age

Unreal performance as Elizabeth I in both films, honestly amazing performances and deserved an Oscar for this!

The Aviator 

Truly engaging as Katharine Hepburn and working so well opposite Di Caprio in this very strong film.


This probably seems like a strange choice as I really hated this film as didn’t have a clue what was going on but another incredible performance from Cate.

What are your favorite Cate Blanchett performances?