7 Health & Beauty Benefits of Lavender Essential Oil

By Anshulika

Lavender is one of the world's most popular essential oil. Aside from smelling great and freshening the home in a nebulizing diffuser, lavender essential oil can do more than just creating a sweet smell. If you want to learn more about the significance of lavender essential oil, here are 7 health & beauty benefits of lavender essential oil that can be really useful to you:

1. Insomnia Treatment

The lavender essential oil can help improve insomnia by relaxing the body and the mind. Putting drops of lavender essential oil in the Aromatech Diffusers can produce an aura that can soothe you to sleep, especially after a long day's work.

2. Stress and Anxiety

All conditions that are related to anxiety and stress can be alleviated by using lavender essential oil. It works by soothing your mind making it possible for you to relax and sleep. Additionally, lavender essential oil lowers the heart rate and clears fog in the brain caused by stress.

3. Treatment of Acne

The lavender essential oil is the best bet when it comes to fighting acne, more so for anyone wishing to carry out a natural routine on the skin. Acne blemishes are caused by a bacterial infection that occurs in the sebum gland. This infection blocks the sebum from being released out of the skin via the pores. Lavender essential oil works by inhibiting the growth of bacteria which is responsible for the acne formation. Regulating the overproduction of sebum will result in clear open pores and proper oil production and secretion.

4. Treatment of the Scalp

The lavender essential oil is beneficial to the scalp. The oil has been used in fighting nits, eggs, and lice. It is also effective in helping to reduce hair loss. According to a Scottish study on patients suffering from alopecia, 40 percent reported an improvement in the growth of hair after using lavender oil on their scalps.

5. Aids Digestion

Aromatherapy through the use of lavender essential oil helps in improving digestion by enabling the smooth movement of food along the gut. The oil also assists the body in producing bile and stomach acids which help to alleviate gastrointestinal problems.

6. Calms the Respiratory System

The lavender essential oil can ease the symptoms of respiratory problems. This makes it an excellent choice when you are feeling a little sick. Lavender oil vapours can be inhaled to help calm and stimulate the respiratory pathway by loosening thickened mucus and easing congestion. The ability to loosen and eliminate mucus gives the body exactly what it needs to beat and control the viral infection in an effective manner.

7. Wound Healing

According to a on the effects of various treatment on wound healing, it was established that lavender has an accelerator effect on the healing process of the wound. The effects of saline solution, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation was compared, lavender oil, and povidone-iodine were compared after these were applied on rats. The findings indicate that lavender essential oil has an effect on the healing of wounds.

Final Word

The above are some of the health & beauty benefits of the lavender essential oil you need to know. With an essential oil diffuser, you can take advantage of this product to improve your ambience as you enhance your health at the same time.