7 Good Paul Rudd Films

Posted on the 30 June 2016 by Caz @LetsGoToTheMov7

I still can’t help but think of Paul Rudd as Mike from Friends, but he certainly has come a very long way over the past twenty years. He certainly seems to be one of the most popular actors to take on the comedy genre and even taken that across to become a Superhero as well, a tiny little ant. Each role he makes his own and I am finding myself becoming more of a fan with each film I watch him in!


A brilliant addition to the Marvel Universe and Rudd really nails everything about his character. Even with his small appearance in Captain America: Civil War. Really looking forward to where this goes next.

They Came Together

A hilarious rom-com that totally rips apart all other rom-coms. Some of it is massively inappropriate but it is also hilarious at times Rudd and Poehler are brilliant together, would love to see them in a “real” rom-com together.

How Do You Know

Stepping up his star power to be in a film alongside Reese Witherspoon and Jack Nicholson (oh and Owen Wilson) even if it was a little weak I think it certainly shows how well his career was starting to move along.

This is 40 

Another of those comedy films that I thought would be pointless watching and not funny. It is well worth watching and absolutely hilarious to see Rudd struggling to deal with being an adult and father, total life crisis going on it this one.

The Perks of Being a Wallflower

Incredible as the inspiring teacher!

Role Models

Honestly one of the funniest films ever made. Yes I am really saying that it is something else in humor levels this one!

Knocked Up

Seth Rogan is my guilty comedy pleasure and works so well with Rudd!

What are your favorite Paul Rudd Films?