7 Energy Resolution Tips for New Year

By Texter

Help the Earth and Your Wallet in 2023

Find out how you could trim about 10% off your Dallas electricity bills with these energy resolution tips for the New Year!

New Year’s Eve is full of hope, and people tend to vow to make significant lifestyle changes. Going into 2023, we should all evaluate how energy friendly our lifestyle is. For one, saving energy directly helps our planet. But, with the right tips, you can even save money. Use these 7 energy resolution tips to cut your electricity bill by at least 10% every month in 2023.

1. Tips for Your Energy Habits

Habits are hard to break. But, if you want to save money on electricity change to these energy-friendly habits.

  • Turn off lights when you leave a room: An average household pays around $200 per year on lighting. You can reduce that by turning your lights off when you don’t use them.
  • Unplug unused appliances: Even if you’re not using your electric appliances, standby mode eats up your electricity. Plug them into a power strip and turn them off when not in use.
  • Take shorter showers: The more hot water you use, the more your water heater must heat. Plus, water conservation also reduces your water bill.  
  • Wash full loads of laundry: Your washing machine can cost you 50-90 cents per load. This can easily add up to hundreds of dollars over a year. And the same goes for dishwashers.
  • Keep the freezer full: Your freezer actually wastes energy if you keep a couple of items in it.

2. Insulation and Window Energy Tips

Air leaks and poor insulation contribute 47% of wasted energy in an average household. Insulating your attic is a worthwhile investment and can save a LOT of money on electricity in both winter and summer. 

If you don’t have double-pane windows, one energy saving tips is to use drapes to prevent heat building up in or from escaping your home. And an easy habit to prevent drafts is to keep your doors and windows closed when you’re heating or cooling your home.

3. Consider Renewable Energy for Your Home

Even if you don’t immediately invest in solar panels for your home, why not find out what you could expect from installing a renewable energy system on your home. The results may actually surprise you.

4. Schedule Routine AC Maintenance

With Texas heat on tap for summer again, you want to keep your AC running efficiently. Plus, it also adds to its life expectancy. Schedule routine AC maintenance in your calendar now, so you never forget to look after it.

5. Use Your Ceiling Fan All Year

If you have a ceiling fan, you should use it even in the winter. And if you’re wondering how using a seemingly unnecessary appliance saves on electricity, worry not.

For one, your ceiling fan itself doesn’t use much energy. A standard ceiling fan uses about 38 watts of electricity, contributing only a couple of cents to your energy bill. But, a fast counterclockwise spin in the summer and a slow clockwise spin in the winter evenly distribute the heated or cooled air in a room. In turn, you use less electricity with your AC and heating to keep your home at a comfortable temperature.

6. Invest in Smart Home Gadgets

Some smart home gadgets ensure your appliances run at peak efficiency. Others help you monitor your overall usage. And both are helpful in keeping your electricity bills to a minimum.

7. Best of Energy Tips: Switch to a Better Plan

While adjusting your habits and investing in the most energy-friendly tools can significantly reduce your usage, the best way to save money on electricity is by choosing a better plan.

You can see the available plans, compare the rates, and choose the best deal for your home at https://www.texaselectricityratings.com/.