7 Easy Tips You’re Not Already Using To Make Your Landing Pages More Effective

Posted on the 10 December 2019 by Witselx9

Did you know that there are over 650.000 retail websites that make over $1,000 profit each year?

There is no doubt that the online world of retail is more crowded than ever before. Fortunately, there are more tools and methods available to help you to attract attention to your product and convert that interest into sales.

For example, have you have wondered how to use landing pages to create sales and better establish your brand?

Why not check out our in-depth guide to find out how to make the most of home pages.

1. Understand Your Target Audience

Regardless of your product or service, your audience will be made up of various demographics of people. This is made up of incidental visitors, those who are browsing, and your target audience. These latter ones are those who are looking for your product with a view to buying and even may return regularly in the future.

Market research can help you to understand who makes up each part of these demographics. Since the target audience section is likely to be the highest yielding demographic, you can adjust your home page to cater to the needs of these ones.

This can mean more than simply discerning which gender or age range will purchase your products. Rather, an understanding of why they may want to purchase and what need or desire you are addressing with your product can help you create the most effective home page.

2. Increase the Interactivity of Your Homepage

If you want to focus the attention of your visitors to a particular offer, location, campaign, or other information, an interactive feature on your home page can work.

A simple popup box featuring key information can lead your visitors to where you want them to go. From there they can join mailing lists or sign up for offers.

The point is that a simple homepage may not be enough to achieve this. Interactivity allows you to take the initiative to approach potential customers.

You can easily trial how this works by subscribing to a service that will create this interactivity for you, such as by means of a leadpages free trial.

3. Create Headlines That Touch Reader Emotions

Technically wizardry is effective in drawing attention to your site. However, it is good old fashioned writing that will keep the attention of your customers.

High-quality copy can enthuse your audience regarding your product and help them to see how they can apply your product or service in their lives with good results. This starts with the larger font, often boldened text in your headlines and subheading.

Some of the most effective headlines on the internet are designed to appeal to emotions. They offer something that you don't have:

"Project Managers Everywhere Are Thanking Themselves That They Tried This Product"

Sometimes they use unrevealed knowledge to capture the imagination of the reader:

"You Could Save 10 Hours per Week by Applying This Time-Management Tip"

Simple tips when writing copy for your homepage will bring readers from the first page to product pages and site areas that will convert visits to sales.

4. Become a Storyteller

An advanced version of the above tip is to add storytelling to your text. Perhaps it is a personal story that outlines how you came to be offering this product or service or why you are passionate about it.

Stories should not be too long and should be genuine. Readers will spot fake plastic stories from a distance, and it will encourage them to distrust your site.

Storytelling styles have been employed for generations and can make the difference between a 5-second visit and retaining a reader for much longer.

5. Add Video Content

Some of the most effective home pages grab reader attention by hosting a video marketing strategy.

In some cases, it is a clever graphic that indicates in a few seconds how this product will benefit your life or work in some way. In other cases, it is a human in front of a camera that "humanize" the home page experience. It creates the feeling of a physical shop where an assistant approaches you to help.

6. Include Testimonials and Build Trust

Testimonials are one of the most powerful ways to gain customer trust. Customers view them as the experiences of people just like them that have had positive experiences with the company.

Testimonials can be gained in many ways. Simply asking for comments after a sale is often enough to elicit positive comments. Of course, a testimonial from a larger and more recognized brand will carry more weight in people's eyes. In this case, it would be wise to not only include the person's comments and name, but also a brand badge.

Trust is also built with other methods. A 30 money-back guarantee will provide a basis for trust. However when a company adds expressions such as "quibble free" and "satisfaction guarantee," it is even more persuasive.

7. "Less Is More"

While you may have 100 ideas in mind for your home page, the final tip is to ensure that you do not overdo it. Less is more. It is far more effective for a customer to be interested in a single item than be confused by several homepage features, all vying for their attention.

Video content is good. However, multiple videos or a video with several moving images and GIFs in the background could create confusion or even annoyance in a visitor.

If you have several good ideas for your home page, apply them separately and individually over a course of time rather than including them all immediately.

How to Use Landing Pages and Much More

If you are interested in learning how to use landing pages and other advanced methods, we are here to help. We leverage our years of experience to guide others in making the best use of their website marketing tools.

Whether your goal is conversion to sales or getting your branding out there, there are many tools and methods that can accomplish this efficiently for you. Why not follow our feed to see how our guidance can help you today.