7 Easy Last Minute Bodysuit Halloween Costumes

By Alexa Alfonso @lexlovescouture

So you don't really care too much about Halloween, but you made plans for this weekend anyway. It's way too late to order a costume and the costumes at Halloween stores are usually pretty terrible and ill fitting. What do you do? Stay home or pull something together?

That wasn't a real question. It's Halloween! Don't be anti-social fashionista. You can DIY a costume and look great.

If there's two things that every millennial girl owns it's a choker and bodysuit. The latter may be the ticket to a unique last minute costume. If for some reason you don't own a bodysuit it will be very easy to find (as are the other items needed for the costumes below).

Beyonce at Superbowl 2016

Really any Beyonce looks would do as she basically lives in bodysuits. Her superbowl performance costume was particularly memorable though. So, no one will have trouble figuring out who you are.

Costume Tip: You can find the bullet belt at a toy store or Halloween store and make your own garter belt by cutting a piece off of a old black tee shirt.

Any Animal

I chose deer because of it's popularity as a snap chat filter, but the reality is you could really slap on some ears and a bodysuit to transform yourself into any animal. The makeup is what really makes the costume.

Cat Burglar

The ultimate play on words. Wear a leather jacket for some edge and a cat mask to kill two birds with one stone. Use an old pillow case to create your loot bag. It's the most important part of the costume.

Costume Tip: if you cannot find a cat mask just get a masquerade mask and cat ears!

Tap Dancing Emoji Girls

Bring the best emoji on your keyboard to life. Having a partner for this costume is essential. So grab your best friend and your dancing shoes.

80's Workout Instructor

Do as Olivia Newton John would say and "get physical". Layer a bodysuit over leggings (or tights) for the ultimate 80's look. You'll be ready to teach jazzercise in a heartbeat.

PS- I did obnoxiously bright colors, but you could go more neutral and have same effect.

Poison Ivy

This is a costume you can get really elaborate with. A green bodysuit, red wig, and green pumps make who you are very obvious though. Since it's so last minute don't fret over details.

Angel or Devil

Are you good or are you evil? It's up to you to decide. Both costumes are particularly simple to pull together. This is also a great thing to do with your bestie.

What will you be for Halloween?🎃