7 Cybersecurity Tools You Need Today

Posted on the 20 August 2020 by Wbcom Designs @wbcomdesigns

Cybersecurity has never been more important as it is today and as the IoT continues to spread it will become even more necessary to have the proper cybersecurity tools.

Luckily, businesses are providing cybersecurity goods and services that make becoming secure much easier. The first thing to target, and simplest to fix, is password management.

Your passwords are important keys that unlock all sorts of digital files and folders. As such, you must protect them like you would your house keys.

Instead of posting them on computer screens or in doc files, use a password manager to store your passwords securely and safely. Additionally, search out the password managers that create random passwords for you to be extra safe.

Once the passwords are taken care of you must move on to the file system itself. If the individual files on your computer are open to direct attack when your password is breached then you need encryption. Encryption tools make securing your files as simple as clicking your mouse.

Password management and encryption are just some of the services you can get by downloading 7 important cybersecurity tools:

1. Password manager

Passwords can be tricky to remember. You may have resigned to storing your passwords on a spreadsheet, on a notepad, or as a file on your computer. However convenient this may be, it’s simply too big of a risk to keep passwords out in the open. You’re exposing yourself to too much risk.

Since secure passwords need to have letters, numbers, and special characters in addition to being unique, you’re going to need a password manager to keep every password in a secure spot.

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2. File encryption tool

Cybersecurity Tools

One of the first lines of defense in cybersecurity is encryption. When you encrypt files on your device, you make it much more difficult to gain access to files and folders.

Encryption is fairly easy, too. With just a click of a button, you can make your sensitive files impenetrable.

3. Network vulnerability scanner

When using a large network, it’s a good idea to check every access point. When you’re managing many devices and connections as you would in an organization aren’t exposed to threats or exposing the network to threats.

There are several network vulnerability scanners on the market available to both personal and professional use. Adding this scanner to your IT maintenance schedule will greatly reduce your risk and your stress.

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4. Debugger

Unmanaged devices can make your network extremely vulnerable. You may want to secure your network by kicking all unnecessary devices off in an indiscriminate way. However, in the age of the IoT, this simply isn’t an option.

Thankfully, a debugger tool can help find holes in your network, inconsistent protocols, and unidentified file paths and file types.

5. Packet sniffer

Information is transferred all the time. The smallest unit of information can be tainted with malicious software. When packets of information are exchanged, packet sniffers will detect if anything in the exchange is fishy.

Packet sniffers and password managers are easily implemented precautionary measures that can save you thousands of dollars in the long run.

6. Penetration tester

Penetration testers, unlike the other diagnostic and preventative tools, actually puts your security system to the test.

Penetration testing software attempts to find holes in your network by poking them. They simulate actual attacks to help users and managers find network vulnerabilities via a realistic cyber-attack.

7. Network intrusion detection tool

All of these tools can help protect your corporate data, personal data, and everything in between. However, one of the most important tools isn’t just a preventative measure; it’s a detection tool.

Unfortunately, many cyber breaches aren’t noticed until six months after the initial incident. As such, intrusion detection software is vital.

The level of protection that you give yourself by securing passwords and encrypting files alone will put you head and shoulders over most regular internet users. A network vulnerability scanner is a definite must for heavy internet users at home and on the road.

Essentially, network vulnerability is accomplished via diagnostics and response, signaling if there are any unidentifiable devices or APs. These are great for assessing risk much like device debuggers which work to provide analysis on software and hardware.

Debugging tools are simple to use and help you spot any unidentified file paths or roots. Packet sniffers read each piece of data to make sure that nothing on your network is malicious or intrusive.

Testing your network is a great way to see if these cybersecurity tools are being used correctly. Hire penetration testers to give your cybersecurity protocols a real-world test that can gauge your overall security level.

Finally, network intrusion tools are invaluable tools that alert you to any users on your network that aren’t you. The right cybersecurity tools can make all the difference when used in conjunction. Combining these tools will make you as safe as you can be in the new digital age.

Why Your Startup Needs Machine Learning Cybersecurity Tools

Cybersecurity Tools

Starting your own company can be quite a joyous endeavor. Startups are driven by people possessed by passion, enamored with innovation, and obsessed with maximizing collaboration efforts.

The energy and optimism of a new beginning can blind you from risks, however. All too often, companies fail to build a cybersecurity framework, neglecting to protect their digital assets.

While you may think a small startup strapped for cash has little need to invest in cybersecurity, there are ways you can meaningfully protect your company and ensure your team’s safety without going bankrupt. Namely, machine learning apps can be a marvelous resource

Every company is a data company

Whether they know it or not, almost every business today holds incredibly valuable data that hackers seem to find irresistible. The data can be anything from phone numbers to email addresses and everything in between. All of these data points combine to form a dangerous profile that could be used to steal identities or commit major fraud under the guise of an innocent user.

While hacking may not seem like it affects your startup, have no doubt that hackers have already probed your network defenses. If left insecure, these exploited access points could lead to a massive theft of data that could cripple your startup before it even has legs. The only thing that is guaranteed is that hackers will attempt to steal your data, it is only a matter of when.

Securing websites and networks:

  • Cybersecurity specialists can implement security protocol
    • Security by design (training, network layout and layering, automated cybersecurity tools like scanners, machine learning defense programs, emergency breach protocol, periodic updates/security checkups)
  • Backend developers create custom website solutions
  • Content management systems provide boilerplate defense

More connected than ever

We are more connected than ever before. Not only can we instantly connect with others, we can consolidate our devices on a single network. Even objects can connect to the internet with the advent of smart light bulbs, doorknobs, and toasters.

Half the world, over three billion people, has access to the internet. We can communicate at light speed, exchanging ideas for good, fomenting fear for ill, and collaborating for mutual gain.

As such, we’re seeing the expansion of the digital world. Increasingly the line between real and virtual is thinning. Our records, money, and memories are digitized. However, this also means that we are, more than ever, susceptible to malicious software.

Damages can be severe

The damages that can result from an egregious cyber attack could have fatal repercussions for a young startup that can’t afford the liability debt. However, liquid damages will be the least of your concerns once your startup reconciles the effect that these attacks have on a company’s reputation.

Losing reputation and a customer base is a bonafide way to lead a startup into a death spiral. Avoiding the impact of these damages is of the utmost importance to startups because startups can not afford to lose anything else.

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Most businesses are unaware of attacks for six months

A truly terrifying fact, most businesses are completely unaware of an intrusion until six months after the initial breach. This shocking statistic highlights the lack of care with which cybersecurity is treated and the consequences of this ignorance.

Despite tougher legislation and harsher consequences cybercriminals are far from deterred and have begun to create more sophisticated tools that can circumvent these protections. The internet is, in many ways, a truly wild frontier that should be treated as such until a unified system of online governance can be established. In order to see these actions to fruition, cybercriminals have begun to use more sophisticated tools that are harder to spot and faster to load.

Author bio:

Romy Toma-Catauta works in the marketing field and is passionate about writing on freelance tech work, business, interior design and psychology.

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