7 Cozy Ideas For A Cozy Night In

By Cait @caitscozycorner
One of my favorite things to do after a long day at work, a busy day of traveling or getting out the freezing cold ( yes it's still chilly here in Atlanta! ) is grabbing a few of my favorite items to have a cozy night in. In fact, the older I get, the more I laugh about how I'd rather be in watching a movie then going to the bar. Mom life friends!
Here are some of my favorite items that I always have to have when preparing for a cozy night in.

1. Bubble Bath - I never used to be a fan a bubble baths but somehow being 5 months pregnant it's all I want to take to relax and unwind after a long day. I just purchased this and can't wait to try it!
2. Slippers - I used to always need to have socks on because my feet are constantly chilly but when I saw these slippers I had to have them. They are not only extremely soft and comfortable but I love the pop of color they have
3. Pillows- My husband would tell you I have too many pillows but I love to surround myself with them when I get comfortable on the couch. The more the better like this one!
4. Cozy Blankets - Similar to pillows, I always have to have a huge blanket around me. The softer and cozier, the better and I'll just stay there all night. This one is a personal favorite and one I use year after year.
5. A Good Book - If Zach has a few TV shows he wants to catch up on, I'm perfectly fine diving into a good book while he enjoys his shows. I'm currently reading Truly, Madly, Guilty and you guys it's SO good!
6. Face Mask My face is super dry in the winter so to keep it hydrated, I love using face masks
7 Comfortable Clothes- These pajama pants a go to right now( you save 10% using my code! ) . They are super soft, cozy and a big baggy but I love the feel of them. I also love these too!
What are some of your ideas?