64 Zoo lane is a animated show on BBC's Cbeebies which is aired daily. It is a show Maxwell enjoys to watch thanks to the fun characters and the bright settings. If you don't know what 64 Zoo Lane is, its a story of a young girl named Lucy who lives next door to a zoo. Every night just before she goes to bed, she goes to the zoo for all the animals to tell her a bedtime story.
The Story of the Jungle Ball DVD features 9 episodes. The DVD runs for a total of 99 minutes, each of the episodes are fun for children to watch and keep them entertained for a short amount of time.
The episodes include:
The Story of the Jungle Ball
The Story of Alfie and Charlie's Canoe
The Story of Horace the Hare
The Story of Zed's Really Helpful Mood
The Story of House of Leaves
The Story of Alan's Scooter
The Story of Gertie the Goat
The Story of Savannah Craze
The Story of Confuse-us the Carp
Max loves animals so he really enjoys watching 64 Zoo Lane. There are plenty of moments which Max enjoys. He loves the theme tune and enjoys the story which is always easy to follow. The show teaches children the importance of friendship, helps them to solve problems and teaches them about trust. It is a fun DVD for children to watch.
I did not receive any financial reward for writing this review.However we did receive the product for review purposes. Everything written in this post is my own, honest opinion.