60 Minutes: The Game of College Football

By Lifeofasportswife @jessaolson
Lately, Gary and I have been getting into the show 60 minutes. Maybe it's just me and he is watching it because he loves me. Either way I think that show is pretty interesting.
Tonight they talked about the game of college football. It's surprising as much money goes into college football ONLY 22 teams come out breaking even or a profit.
I knew a few years ago it was around 5-7 teams.
This post is a little different than others because it's about sports marketing. I love sports and everything else that it includes.
The stats that Michigan gave were interesting. For their 29 sports teams both men and women it takes about 133 million dollars. College football raises about 75% of that money.
Below are a few fun facts about college football:
1st: SEC is the best! (personal bias)
2nd: teams get part of tv deal for the game. For example, Michigan & LSU each got 10 million dollars.
3rd: Smaller teams do get paid VERY well by larger schools. Bigger schools hope they lose but sometimes it doesn't always happen. Just ask Michigan about App State. These are called guaranteed games. From this segment, we learned LSU paid Towson a half million dollars.
After this weekend how can you not love college football. The #1 & #2 team both lost. The last time this happened was in 2007.
The great thing about the weekend of college football happened during dinner. I said if an SEC team isn't in the Championship Game than college football is dead to me. Three minutes later Oregon went down.
Until next time