6 Ways to Promote Your Brand Over the Holiday Season

By Harshil Barot @Harshil_Barot

The holiday season is just about to start, and it's the perfect time to boost your business . Put all you can into marketing efforts to fully take advantage of the promotional power that the coming months will bring.

Promoting your brand throughout the rest of 2018 will surely secure sales throughout the season and the beginning of next year.

The following are a few ideas you can utilize to get the most out of the holiday season.

While you may be reluctant to give things away as a small business owner, holding a contest can be a great way to highlight your brand and engage your customers. Making a contest on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook will let people know what your services and products are and that they're great gift options.

With a clever hashtag, you can incentivize potential customers to use your products. The prizes you offer can be your actual product, a discount, or personalized gifts like merchandise from Printkick. Outlets like this offer amazing customizable products that become unique and personal presents.

2] Make Your Products Extra Appealing to Your Loyal customers.

You want to ensure that you're attracting new clients , but you should try to make your loyal customers feel a little more special. Without hindering sales, provide those who keep buying from you with sneak previews, secret sales, free shipping, and special offers. This can result in more business and extra referrals.

3] Organize Open Houses or Special Events.

To show people what you have to offer before the holidays really hit, you may want to hold an event at your brick-and-mortar store. If your business is solely run on the internet then consider showing a preview.

Allow this event to showcase your specials for this time of year and pair them with comforting refreshments (cider or hot cocoa) to get them in the spirit.

As they're leaving, invite them to come back and incentives it by giving them discounts.

The holidays are a stressful time, and many people seek out tips and advice to make holiday-related activities easier. As a small business owner, you can use your social media platforms to offer helpful tips related to your industry. This will attract new clients and make you appear as a trusted authority in your niche.

While some consider email marketing to be overdone, it the most inexpensive way to stay in contact with your audience. It allows you to connect with people who have already shopped with you or potential buyers. If you want to up your use of email marketing during the holiday season, keep these tips in mind:

  • Keep Emails Short and Sweet. Don't make your message long-winded. Briefly describe the offer you have and link them directly to the content.
  • State the Intent Clearly in the Subject Line. Again, cut straight to the point.
  • Be Festive with Graphic Design. To really draw in potential customers, create a festive design that relates to your product and the holidays.
  • Follow Online Marketing Rules. Online marketing is regulated , so you have to ensure that you're following the guidelines concerning spam, list management, etc. when you're crafting your email campaign.

6] Personalize Your Orders.

If you do a lot of online orders, this time of year is a great opportunity to show your customers you're grateful for their support. A personal touch can encourage your audience to visit your business in the new year. You can add a custom designed card or a handwritten note to show them that your business cares about them.

You want to start planning your marketing campaign for the holidays as soon as you can to ensure that it's effective. Stock up on your products to make sure you have enough for the rise in interest. Finally, be sure to keep track of your ROI so you can make an even more profitable promotion plan for next year.