6 Ways to Keep Your Mind Sharp When You’re 50+

By Bren @Virtual_Bren

Well, I’ve gotten older, no doubt.  No, I’m not in denial.  I recognize it and some days I’m o.k. with it and other days, I’m just not. On those days, I try not to think about it and instead relish in the thoughts that I’m wiser and smarter than the younger generation. 😉

However, one of the reasons I can say this is that I keep mentally and physically active. In the years to come as we approach middle age, particularly 50+, we definitely lose track of things and forget more often.

It’s part of the aging process. Can’t be helped. It is what it is, right? But we can keep working to keep ourselves sharp.

There are multiple methods in order to keep our mind sharp, most of which involves practicing mental exercises.

Why Do We Forget Stuff?

Besides the normal process of aging, there may be other reasons that we forget.  Web MD states some of the following as reasons why people forget. “Stress and anxiety, ADHD, Depression, Alcoholism, Vitamin B-12 Deficiency, Drugs (prescription and over the county),” all of which should be addressed medically or with a support system.

The point is as we get older there are a ton of reasons why we may forget so if there’s no medical reason for it, then there are ways that we can keep our minds sharp and that is simply by performing mental exercises on a regular basic.

How you may ask?  Well here are six ways to keep your mind sharp when you’re 50.

1.  Playing Games

One way to keep mentally active is by playing games. In our computer age, there are so many electronic games that keep us addictingly engaged.

These games are on our iphones, iPads and computers and include the popular Candy Crush, Angry Birds, Words With Friends, Scramble, etc. I personally don’t play those games, but I’m a big Bejeweled freak, as well as the whole Microsoft card game suit and of course, Bid Whist! WooHoo!

Other games also include items such as crossword puzzles. Crossword puzzles are a great way to keep your mind sharp.  They don’t require a lot of time but do require intense thought. Filling out crossword puzzles also increases a variety of literary skills which is always very useful.Sudoku used to be a very popular word puzzle often included in the morning paper. Sodoku requires intense thought as a player fills out columns of numbers without having identical numbers touch. Very strenuous on the mind, so make sure you’ve got some time to play.

Sudoku used to be a very popular word puzzle often included in the morning paper. Sodoku requires intense thought as a player fills out columns of numbers without having identical numbers touch. Very strenuous on the mind, so make sure you’ve got some time to play.

2.  Reading

One of the most effective methods to keep your mind sharp is by reading. Reading not only increases vocabulary, but it often inspires creativity and imagination. Creativity and imagination are indicators that the mind is still working well and clearly.

Imagination, when you’re reading also requires a lot of thought. Not only should you understand what is happening in the story, but I have a tendency to visual that event in my head as I’m reading. I love to read as it takes me to other worlds in my imagination.

Reading also encourages a reader to gain knowledge on many topics.

3.  Blogging or Writing

And while we’re talking about it since most of us blog,  blogging is an effective way to keep the mind sharp.  Blogging is not easy and involves a number of activities and skills to know and learn and it will certainly keep you on your toes trying to think of posts each week to write about.

4.  Intellectual Arguments Or Debates

Having intellectual discussions/debates will  help to keep your mind sharp.  Debates and discussions often require the participants to come up with an argument, as well as reasons for the argument, defense, and support.

Mental activity requires you to defend your own stance, but you have to consider your opponent’s argument too and provide intelligent responses.  That will keep you on your toes.

Debating requires critical thinking and analysis skills. Critical thinking and analysis are both mental activities which will help keep the mind in prime condition.

One thing I love is being in my Mastermind group with my lady friends.  We are all strong, intelligent women and the intellectual capacity and experience is amazing!  You can’t help but learn from your group members when you have a number of people with like minds.  It can be very enlightening learning from other people’s experiences.

5.  Physical Activity

Refresh your body as well as your mind.  Both work hand in hand.  For me, I’m a dancer.  I also choreograph as well.  So I exercise my mind constantly by learning new danced and creating new ones.  Both exercise the mind and the body!  Working in dance, learning and teaching these dances keeps me mentally active and challenged…and I love it!

If you want to challenge your minds, take a dance or Zumba class.  Even though we may be 50+, we can still dance and enjoy it, probably contrary to the younger generation’s thoughts about us dancing lol!

6.  Learning New Skills

As much as  I enjoy stimulating conversations, reading, and blogging and even though we may be 50+, we can still dance, read, and learn to enjoy, probably contrary to the younger generation thoughts about us being older.

My job also involves constant mental acuity on a daily basis.  It’s always hopping and something is always going on.  Working and learning new skills definitely helps us stay young!   So I’m not so sure I want to really retire!

When I started having trouble remembering things, there was no shame in my game when I realized it.  I headed straight to the doctor and she helped and reassured me that it was all normal.

If your forgetfulness bothers you or you feel it’s out of control, please see a doctor.  There are so many other reasons like anxiety, depression, ADHD and others which can cause forgetfulness that may not seem like normal aging.  It’s not all about being 50+ so if you’re worried, please see a doctor.

What do you do to keep your mind sharp?

Do you play games, blog, dance, or some other physical activity?  Please share so we can add to our list and you can help us keep on our toes!

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