6 Types of Email Spam You Might Encounter

Posted on the 10 June 2022 by Pranav Rajput @PROnavrajput

Email spam can be a nuisance. There’s nothing worse than a cluttered inbox, especially when you’re trying to sift through important messages. Unfortunately, spam can also be more of a nuisance. It can also be extremely dangerous if you happen to run into the more malicious types.

There are many different types of email spam, and some can be more harmful than others. Finding out how to stop email spam with your provider is the first step in protecting yourself.

Here are six of the most common types of email spam you might encounter:

1. Phishing emails

Phishing emails will try and trick you into giving away personal information, such as your bank details or login credentials. They appear masked as legitimate emails from companies or individuals but usually have some sort of red flag that gives them away. Be very careful about clicking on any links in these types of emails, as they often lead to fake websites designed to steal your information.

Often, the websites will look like the real thing but with a slightly different URL. For example, a phishing email might direct you to www.paypa1.com instead of www.paypal.com. Once you’ve entered your login details, the phisher will have full access to your account.

If you know an account has been compromised, you should change your password immediately and report the phishing attempt to the company in question. Additionally, go through your account and look for any unauthorized activity.

2. Malware emails

It’s all in the name. Malicious software can wreak havoc on your computer, and malware emails are designed to deliver this software straight to your inbox. The email might contain a link to download the malware, or an attachment that, once opened, will install the malware onto your computer.

These days, many email providers have security measures in place to prevent these types of emails from getting through. However, they’re not foolproof, so exercising caution is always best. If you’re not expecting an email with an attachment, be very wary of opening it.

If you are infected with malware, it’s important to act quickly. Disconnect from the internet, run a malware scanner on your computer, and then proceed to remove any infected files. You might also want to change any passwords that may have been compromised.

Use another device to research how to remove the specific type of malware you’re dealing with, as the process can vary depending on the software. There are several free message boards that can help you.

3. Nigerian Prince emails

You might have seen these masterpieces pop up in your inbox before. They usually start with a sob story about how someone needs money to access a large sum of money or inherit a fortune. They’ll often promise a cut of the earnings if you help out by sending them some money upfront.

Of course, these stories are complete fabrications, and you’ll never see that money again. Nigerian Prince emails are just another type of phishing email, designed to trick you out of your hard-earned cash.

If you receive one of these emails, the best thing to do is delete it and move on. Do not reply or click on any links.

4. Viagra emails

Unsolicited emails selling erectile dysfunction medication are extremely common and usually pretty easy to spot. They often have generic subject lines like “Need a boost?” or ” feeling low?”.

Viagra emails are not just annoying; they can also be dangerous. The medication being sold is often counterfeit and of poor quality. It might even be dangerous. The email might contain malicious software that can infect your computer in some cases.

If you receive one of these emails, delete it immediately.

5. Weight-loss emails

Weight-loss emails are similar to Viagra emails in that they’re selling a product that’s probably not going to work. They will promise you the world, but in reality, they’re just trying to scam you out of your money.

Weight-loss spam emails are often easy to spot, as they often contain grammatical errors and poor use of language. They might also promise results that are too good to be true. As with ED-related emails, it’s best to just delete these and move on.

6. Job offers

Job offers that come via email are often too good to be true. They might promise high salaries, flexible hours, and the ability to work from home. This is usually a red flag, as many legitimate job offers will at least mention the company name or the position you’ll be applying for.

Job offer scams often involve asking for personal information or money upfront. They might also ask you to click on a link to fill out an application or take a “pre-employment” test.

If you receive a job offer via email, do some research before replying. Try to find the company website and see if the position is listed there.


Email spam comes in many different forms, but there are some common types that you might encounter. If you’re not expecting an email with an attachment, be very wary of opening it.

Anyone’s online activity can end up costing them. It’s important to be vigilant about the emails you open and the links you click on to avoid being scammed.